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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons




Curriculum Statement

To understand our curriculum, it is necessary to understand the context of our school.

School Context

Sea View Primary School opened in September 2006. It is part of Horsley Hill Community Campus which consists of a special school, a children’s centre and Sea View Primary School. Through working as a team the school has achieved a strong ethos based on mutual respect and positive relationships.

Sea View Primary School is situated South Tyneside. South Tyneside is one of the 20% most deprived districts in England. The school is located in the Horsley Hill ward with one of the highest per cent of workless households and poor health. It is predominantly white British.

Attainment on entry

Child development at age 5 is significantly lower that national average in the Horsley Hill ward. Attainment on entry to Nursery indicates that a significant percentage is below age related expectation in all areas.

Distinctive aims

Research shows that poverty is a powerful detriment to delayed cognitive development and poor school performance. We aim to ensure that our children receive the best education that we can provide to improve their life chances.  Our school actively promotes a positive state of well-being and provides opportunities that enrich the quality of life, especially for our more vulnerable families and children. This is implicit in our Vision and Values.

Curriculum intent statement

Our school operates in a unique context and we believe our curriculum reflects this and caters for the needs of our learners. We have developed a curriculum which promotes positive wellbeing at the core and teaches children how to lead fulfilling lives in modern Britain and to enable them to become responsible citizens of the society in which they live. 

Learning is infinite and The Sea View 7C’s aim to  share the pedagogy which underpins our curriculum with the children. These are Conversation, Connectivity, Curiosity, Creativity, Community and Culture, Collaboration and Consideration.



Each of our curriculum subjects has its own specialist. They understand the qualities needed to excel in each subject. They are always on hand to offer tips and advice to support the development of subject specific vocabulary and help us to make connections in our learning. The curriculum crew reflect the rich and diverse society we live in, challenging stereotypes and share qualities they possess in order to excel in their subject.  As ambassadors for their subject they also showcase how their subject and qualities can provide career opportunities in the future.

Our curriculum inspires children to learn through providing real life experiences and developing their skills, knowledge and understanding in all aspects of their education including the humanities and linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technical, social, physical and artistic learning therefore providing a broad and balanced platform for learning.

Our curriculum promotes a sense of awe and wonder which develops children’s cognitive skills as well as their knowledge and understanding. It inspires and motivates children to become lifelong learners through ensuring high levels of engagement, enthusiasm and fun. It develops children as resilient learners who are happy to take risks in their learning as they understand that perseverance will lead to success. It allows children to think proactively and to articulate their understanding using high quality vocabulary. It provides children with the transferable knowledge they need for subsequent learning to build deeper understanding in a range of subjects.

A highly stimulating environment and a well organised curriculum provides rich, varied and imaginative experiences for our children which enables them to make substantial and sustained progress, developing excellent knowledge, understanding and skills considering their different starting points.

A curriculum based on our values

Our school curriculum is underpinned by the values that we hold dear at our school. The curriculum is the means by which the school achieves its objective of educating children in the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need in order to lead fulfilling lives.

These are the main values of our school upon which we have based our curriculum:

We value and respect ourselves and others. -This means we value the spiritual and moral development of each person, as well as their intellectual and physical growth. We value the importance and uniqueness of each person in our community, and we organise our curriculum to promote inclusion, cooperation, tolerance and understanding among all members of our community.

We are kind, caring and Understanding-This means we value children’s uniqueness, we embrace differences, we listen to the views of individual children, we understand about individual liberty and we promote the understanding of and respect for all cultures. We ensure that our school is a safe and inspiring place to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.

We promote honesty and Fairness-This means we value the rights enjoyed by each person in society. We respect each child in our school for who they are, and we treat them with fairness and honesty. We want each person to be successful, and we provide equal opportunities for all children.

We feel safe and Secure-This means we strive to meet the social, emotional, educational and mental health needs of all of our children and to ensure we meet all of the statutory requirements regarding inclusion. We value our environment, and we want to teach our pupils, through our curriculum, how we should take care of the world, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations. We teach our children how to stay safe in the context of our area and society as a whole and how to stay safe in the ever changing digital world


Curriculum intent

Through our curriculum we intend to

  • equip children with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be citizens of the future
  • enable children to have respect for themselves and high esteem, and to live and work cooperatively with others
  • help children to understand the importance of truth and fairness, so that they grow up committed to equal opportunities for all
  • enable children to respond to the changes to modern Britain with respect, tolerance and understanding
  • teach children to distinguish between right and wrong and to have an awareness of their own spiritual development
  • enable all children to learn, and to develop their skills to the best of their ability
  • to promote a positive attitude towards learning, high levels of engagement and enjoyment and develop children as lifelong learners
  • teach children the basic skills of oracy , literacy, numeracy and computing
  • develop children’s cognitive skills and enable them to think creatively
  • to teach children about the developing world, including how their environment and society have changed over time
  • understand the British values of democracy, the rule of the law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different values and beliefs
  • fulfil all the requirements of the National Curriculum and the locally agreed syllabus for Religious education.


Curriculum implementation

Organisation and planning

The curriculum is planned in three Phases-Early Years, Phase One and Phase Two.

Early years consists of nursery and reception, Phase One consists of Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 and Phase Two consists of Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.

A long term plan is agreed for each year group which includes the subjects/topics taught each term and to which groups of children. This long term plan reflects the requirements of the National curriculum and is reviewed on an annual basis.

Medium term plans give clear guidance on the objectives and teaching strategies for each subject/topic.

Short term plans are written on a weekly or daily basis. They are used to set the learning goals for each session, to differentiate the lesson to meet the needs of all learners, to demonstrate the activities that will be delivered to meet the objectives and further develop children’s learning and to highlight the resources used to engage the learners. Short term plans use assessment for learning to plan for individuals to ensure every child reaches their potential and makes progress from their relative starting points.


Curriculum Pathways for all subjects are used to guide the children through their Sea View journey through the curriculum. The underlying principle behind this is the children can revisit and make links with prior learning in previous years and demonstrate that they know more and can make links across the curriculum and learning is embedded. This also demonstrates that learning is not surface and superficial but deep, purposeful and valued.




Literacy in Sea View is taught through the use of high quality and engaging texts from the earliest opportunity in Early Years through to Year 6. Eddie English is our curriculum crew member who guides the children through the English curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

Children learn to love, unpick and explore texts in detail and use these as a stimulus for a range of writing.  This allows children to absorb the varied and distinctive literary features used by authors and extend their vocabulary as they immerse themselves within a range of stories and non-fiction texts.

Discrete lessons are taught to focus and fine tune children’s knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar and in Early Years and Key Stage 1 phonics is taught as a way to support both the decoding (reading) of texts and encoding (spelling) of words.

Sea View Knowledge Organisers for Reading and Writing enable the children to revisit sticky knowledge as well as tracking progression and next steps.


Our Maths curriculum is designed to enable each pupil to develop an enthusiasm and fascination for Maths itself. We aim to increase pupil confidence in Maths so that they are able to express themselves and their ideas using the language of Maths with assurance.

  Margot the mathematician is our crew member who guides the children through the Maths curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

 We promote enjoyment of learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion. We develop the ability to solve problems through decision making and reasoning in a range of contexts, including cross curricular links.

Sea View Knowledge Organisers for the different mathematical strands which enable the children to revisit sticky knowledge as well as tracking progression and next steps.




Sarah Scientist is our crew member who guides the children through the Science  curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

We aim to deliver a cross curricular, vocabulary rich science curriculum which inspires pupils to explore and discover the world around them, led by their natural curiosity, to enable them to understand and care for the ever changing world in which they live. This is achieved through the delivery of differentiated and engaging science lessons which encourage scientific exploration inside and outside of the classroom. Children are encouraged to work scientifically by asking engaging questions about the world around them, which they are able to investigate confidently using a range of equipment and skills. Children are able to explore the real life purposes of science through a range of outreach experiences which include scientific visitors, external visits and our annual science week, which explores scientific careers, addresses stereotypes and aims to engage children through creativity, exploration and problem solving.  


 Chloe Computing is our crew member who guides the children through the  Computing curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

Our computing curriculum has an increased focus on the science of computing — on helping our children have a good understanding of how computers work in this highly digital age. Children learn skills across a range of topics including coding and programming their own games and apps! There is also opportunity for them to develop and refine other computer life skills such as typing, word processing, data handling, creating and editing pictures etc. We try to use computers and new technologies as much as possible to enhance our curriculum and help children learn key skills. Our aim is to help children become creative, confident and safe. Central to all of the work covered is how to use the Internet in an effective way including how to keep safe, protect our information and about cyber-bullying. 



Robbie is our crew member who guides the children through the RE curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

Religious Education in Sea View Primary broadly follows the South Tyneside Agreed Syllabus 2013.

R.E. is either taught for a one-hour session each week or in a block of teaching as appropriate to the theme.

Since January 2019 Discovery RE has been used to deliver Religious education from Nursery to Year 6. Discovery RE is an enquiry based scheme of work which develops children’s critical thinking skills, motivating their learning and increasing their knowledge and understanding of different religions.

Children are developing understanding and knowledge of the different religions and how it influences the way they live their lives.

Children are given the opportunity and space to voice their own ideas and opinions. It also encourages empathy for those with different views from their own and respect and tolerance linked to British values.


Paddy PSCHE  is our crew member who guides the children through the PHSCE curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.


The PSHCE curriculum in Sea View has been created and influenced by the PSCHE association to ensure an exciting and engaging curriculum which follows national guidelines. Through Thrive Time ( a class assembly which engages children to think and develop their relationships with their peers), buddies (year 6 children buddy with younger children to develop and model social skills), family groups (children meet in small groups with family members and have British value themed discussions), and the Right Respecting Award (introduced to make children aware of their rights in society, school, and at home) we ensure each child plays an active part in the development of their own inter-personal and social skills. As a school we also invite a range of visitors and from the local area to inspire children to think about themselves in the context of the wider community.


Harry the Historian is our crew member who guides the children through the History curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

At Sea View Primary we shape our history curriculum to ensure it is fully inclusive to every child. Our teaching equips pupils with knowledge about the history of Britain and how it has influenced and been influenced by the wider world; know and understand about significant aspects of the history of the wider world like ancient civilisations and empires; changes in living memory and beyond living memory; learn about the lives of significant people of the past; understand the methods of historical enquiry and be able to ask and answer questions. 


We want children to enjoy and love learning about history by gaining this knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of visitors and educational visits. We utilise our local area to bring various aspects of the subject to life. As our children progress from early years, through to the end of KS2 their historical knowledge should grow and deepen preparing them for KS3.



Greta Geography is our crew member who guides the children through the Geography curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

In our geography curriculum we strive to create opportunities which will inspire pupil’s curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We enrich the geography curriculum by providing learning experiences outside of the classroom which helps children engage with the world around them. Geography encourages our children to learn through experience, particularly through practical and fieldwork activities. We utilise our local area to bring various aspects of the subject to life.

Design and technology

We make design and technology an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage all children to think innovatively, to question and explore the practical world around them and to develop a positive, growth mind-set approach to their learning.

We have introduced a 'Learning Challenge' approach in Design Technology to provide greater learning involvement in children's work. It requires deep thinking and encourages children to learn using a question as a stimulus. Projects are then designed to provide opportunities for the development of skills and links to other subject areas. Learning activities are sequenced to ensure progression and to link real experiences and contexts.



Melody Music is our crew member who guides the children through the Music curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

We endeavour to provide a wide ranging topic-based, cross-curricular approach to music. We have opted to use the publication ‘Charanga’ as it provides a steady progression plan throughout the years in primary school. This allows us to fulfil the aims of the National Curriculum. The scheme is accessible to all and especially non-music readers, so that all members of staff are able to teach the lessons to their classes. The children enjoy undertakings where they explore the language of music through active listening, performing and composing activities. They use and develop their singing voices, incorporate body percussion and begin to use classroom instruments to create music and accompany others.

The dimensions of music are built upon, along with pictorial, graphic and staff notation. We encourage musical visitors who can share their delight of music with us, and by listening to a wide range of composers in assembly and hall time gatherings, we aim to inculcate a love of music into all.





Anya Art is our crew member who guides the children through the Art curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

Rather than Art being a “stand alone” subject, we use it as a tool with which to explore other subjects such as maths with shape and symmetry. It tends to be linked to topics which make it current and meaningful, such as History with cave paintings. A progression of key skills is followed to cover the areas of drawing, painting,3D work, collage, printing, textiles and ICT related art. We have a timetable of artists across the year groups where each group researches a particular artist each term. Our pupils not only find out about the style of the artist and produce work in their style but also find out about their life and the influence that has upon their work.



  Paige is our crew member who guides the children through the PE curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

The P.E. curriculum is focussed on children acquiring and building on new skills such as teamwork and coordination, with the assistance of sport professionals, which contribute to addressing their physical and mental needs across the school. Children encounter and engage with a variety of different sports including rugby and dance, as well as swimming to meet their targets for physical activity. Children also develop their understanding of how to have a healthy lifestyle in the broader sense

Modern Foreign languages

Frank French is our crew member who guides the children through the French curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.

In French we immerse ourselves in the culture, history and geography of France. We are keen to promote the study of a foreign language because of its increasing importance in the modern world. We inspire the children to learn a foreign language through a range of stimulating activities for example, using games, songs, dance, rhymes, story-telling, playlets and role play to develop their vocabulary and actively engage in their learning.


British Values

At Sea View we pride ourselves in the promotion of the British values of tolerance, respect for the rule of the law and UK institutions and the belief in personal and social responsibility to build successful citizens in a multi-cultural society. The British values section of our website highlights our commitment to these values.


The Early Years

We follow the EYFS Statuary frame work which reflects the four guiding themes and principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

•             A Unique Child Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.

•             Positive Relationships Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

•             Enabling Environments Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners, parents and carers.

•             Learning and Development Children develop and learn in different ways. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years’ provision including children with special educational needs and disabilities.

 We plan activities for the children to help them develop their skills and take their learning forward making a smooth transition into school life. The curriculum is divided into 7 areas of learning and development.

Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for their capacity to learn from relationships and thrive. These 3 areas are,

•             Communication and Language

•             Physical development

•             Personal Social and Emotional Development.

We then support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are,

•             Literacy

•             Maths

•             Understanding the world

•             Expressive arts and design

The curriculum is delivered through exciting topic work linked to quality texts and tailoring the environment to meet the needs and interests of each unique child. We provide a rich variety of play activities, hands on exploratory and interactive experiences through a rich and stimulating environment. The curriculum is also delivered through adult led focused activities to meet the child's needs.

Children are regularly assessed to monitor their progress and to enable accurate plans to be made for future teacher and learning.

We strongly believe that parent partnerships are key to a successful early years’ experience for children and for them to gain the most out of their early education. We strive to build positive links with parents and carers of each child by offering workshops and home school books keeping them informed on what is being taught and how we teach the curriculum in early years.

The curriculum and inclusion

The curriculum is designed to be accessed by all children who attend the school.  At times the curriculum requires modification in order to meet specific needs and enable all children to to access it successfully.

Where children have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND) we do all we can to meet their individual needs and comply with the SEND Code of Practice and the Equality Act.

More detailed information can be found in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy and the SEN Information Report which are available on the school website.


The role of the subject leader

The role of the subject leader is to:

•             coordinate a subject and feed into the strategic lead and direction for the subject;

•             support and advise colleagues on issues related to the subject;

•             monitor pupils' progress in that subject area;

•             provide efficient resource management for the subject.

The school gives subject leaders time to carry out their duties. It is the role of each subject leader to keep up to date with developments in their subject, at both national and local levels. They review the way in which the subject is taught in the school, and plan for improvement. This development planning links to whole-school objectives. Each subject coordinator reviews the curriculum plans for the subject, ensures that there is full coverage of the National Curriculum, and sees that progression is planned into schemes of work.


Impact of the curriculum

The impact of our curriculum can be evidenced through –

  • the quality of work in pupil’s books and in learning journals,
  • the range and quality of work on display in school,
  • conversations with children about their learning,
  • the quality of work in lessons,
  • the use of See-Saw to record children’s learning,
  • the work and experiences displayed on the school website,
  • sharing workshops with parents,
  • class assemblies
  • subject leaders’ feedback to Governors
  • children sharing work with Governors
  • and finally, the awards we have gained as a school such as the Quality Mark.


Monitoring and review

Our governing body is responsible for monitoring the way in which the school curriculum is implemented.

Link governors liaise with the respective subject leaders and monitor closely the way in which these subjects are taught. There is also a named governor assigned to special needs, who liaises with the SEN coordinator, and monitors the ways in which special needs are addressed.

The head teacher is responsible for the day-to-day organisation of the curriculum. The head teacher and Senior Leadership Team monitor the weekly lesson plans for all teachers, ensuring that all classes are taught the full requirements of the National Curriculum, and that all lessons have appropriate learning objectives.

Subject coordinators monitor the way in which their subject is taught throughout the school. They examine long-term and medium-term planning, and ensure that appropriate teaching strategies are used. Subject coordinators also have responsibility for monitoring the way in which resources are stored and managed.


The National Curriculum ,

OFSTED inspection framework (draft 2018/2019),

Evaluating your curriculum-Focus Education,

Curriculum development-Boyle and Charles (2016),

Reclaiming the curriculum-Laar and Holderness(2018),

OFSTED-Curriculum workshop event.

Click on the year group below to view the current Curriculum topics being studied.


  • Reception 91.46
  • Year 1 96.34
  • Year 2 95.56
  • Year 3 92.39
  • Year 4 90.81
  • Year 5 92.87
  • Year 6 93.28
  • Whole School:


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Contact Us

Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


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