RE at Sea View
The importance of RE
Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. RE is an important subject in itself, developing an individual’s knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society. Religious education provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It can develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, of other principal religions, other religious traditions and worldviews that offer answers to questions such as these. RE also contributes to pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society. RE can also make important contributions to other parts of the school curriculum such as citizenship, personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE education), the humanities, education for sustainable development and others. It offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, deepening the understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of others – individually, communally and cross-culturally.
Meet Robbie RE
Robbie is part of our Curriculum Crew who is introduced at the start of each topic and lesson, providing a visual link to lessons and allows our children to focus on the skills needed in the upcoming tasks.
Robbie is featured as part of our RE Pathway Journey - allowing the children to revisit and consolidate prior learning .
In small group time, we had photographs of our friends in a special bag full of special people. Mrs Henderson chose a photograph and said something about them that makes them special. We then took turns to choose a photograph and think of something that makes that person special. We then wrote it on a speech bubble. We all had different things that made us special, being kind, funny or a good friend
We talked about the Christmas story and about Mary having a baby. We made our own little stable scene, cutting out and drawing the characters. We talked about presents that the baby might be given and why we give presents. We decided that we give presents to people who are special to us and we choose presents that we think they might like or need.
In RE we have been learning about Special People. We can talk about members of our family and community and name and describe people who are familiar to us.
Bertie Owl helps us in RE and asks us questions.
We are learning that Jesus is a role model for Christians and discussed our role models.
Year 1
In RE this term, Year 1 have started learning about Christianity.
We have looked at the Christian 'Creation Story', and created some art to represent what happened on each of the 7 days in the story.
On the 1st day, God separated light from dark.
On the 2nd day, God created the Earth and the sky.
On the 3rd day, God created the land and the sea.
On the 4th day, God created the sun, the moon and the stars.
On the 5th day, God created birds and sea creatures.
On the 6th day, God created humans and animals.
On the 7th day, God rested.
Year 2
We have been thinking about the Christian message of being a good friend to all and how that can be very difficult to achieve all of the time. We shared the story of 'The Good Samaritan' and thought about how he had been kind even in the face of adversity. We made storyboards and celebrated our friendships in school by making our classmates a friendship bracelet.
Year 3
We are thinking about how it feels to belong in our R.E. lessons exploring Diwali.
Year 4
This term we are exploring Buddhism through the question:
"Is it possible for everyone to be happy?"
We began by discussing if we think it is possible for everyone to be happy. We discussed the story of the Buddha and found out about how Buddhists follow the 8 fold path.
Year 6
The 5 Pillars of Islam
Pillar Four - Sawm
In RE, we looked at the fourth Pillar known as Sawm and discussed why Muslims commit to this. We then stepped into the shoes of somebody who experiences fasting during Ramadan.
Pillar Three - Zakat
In RE, we looked at the third pillar which is known as Zakat and discussed why this is important to Muslims.
Bertie Owl helped us to think about people who are special to us and things that we like to do with them - "Dancing with Daddy", "Eating a picnic", "Playing board games with Mam and Dad". We also talked about rules and why they are important to keep us safe - "Walk in school", "Hold hands to keep safe", "Be nice to my friend".
How do people celebrate?
We listened to and shared the Christmas story. We made crowns like the three kings and wrapped gifts to give to baby Jesus.
We have been celebrating New Year. We re-enacted New Year celebrations and had a party.
We also celebrated Chinese New Year. We listened to the story of the Great Race and then used masks to pretend we were the animals and re-enacted the Great race.
After learning about the Hindu festival of Holi, we had our own celebration. Holi is the festival of colours, love and Spring and celebrates the end of Winter and the triumph of good over evil.
We learned about the Persian New Year and how it is celebrated. It is called Nowruz, which means 'new day'. There is a special table called Haft-Sin where 7 items are displayed, apples, garlic, hyacinths, wheat grass, a sweet pudding, coins and goldfish. We made some of our own goldfish.
Celebrating Ramadan - Elyne enjoyed sharing her Ramadan celebration with the class. We watched a clip telling us all about this special time for the Muslim community, made cards and lanterns and Elyne gave out gifts to everyone in the class.
We listened to the story of 'Bilal and the beautiful butterfly' and talked about how we are all different and unique, and Muslims believe that we are all created by Allah(God) to be our own beautiful and special person. We thought about living things that we found beautiful in our world and we drew them on the big piece of paper.
We have learned about the celebration of Nowruz. We all took turns and worked together to make our own campfire. We sang around the campfire hoping to replace bad things from the old year. We discussed what we were most looking forward to for spring. Our answers included getting chocolate eggs at easter, playing outside with our footballs and going to the fair with our families.
In RE, we have been talking about people who are special to us. We spoke about special things and events that we do together such as family dinners, swimming and bike rides. We drew pictures about all of the special events that we do in our families.
In RE, we spoke about people who are special to us and what makes them special. We drew pictures of our special people and then shared our ideas with our peers in class.
Year 1
In Year 1, we have been learning about the Christian story of creation. We discussed how we thought the Earth might have come to be and then learned how Christians believe the world was created.
We retold the story using illustrations that we created in groups. We worked together to recreate and retell the whole story to our friends.
Year 2
In Year 2 we have been learning about Judaism and commitment . We explored how Jewish people show commitment to their religion and we have learned about a day in the life of a Jewish adult and child. We reflected on ways in which we can show commitment, we have also discussed how different religions show commitment through different ages and milestones. We have discussed our own commitments and milestones.
Year 3
This term we are learning about how Hindu's believe that Brahman is everywhere and in everything. We explored Hindu deities and looked at their qualities to try and link their pictures to their descriptions.
We are exploring different ways to celebrate Divali in our R.E. Lessons. This week we made Divali cards and explored different greetings.
Year 4
Could the Buddha’s teachings make the world a better place?
We explored how Buddhists believe that Siddhatta taught many truths. We focused on just one of them:
- the belief that everything changes and people don’t want it to.
We discussed how Buddhists believe that everything changes all the time. We discussed how we, as human beings change. We created a road map of things that have changed from when we were born, and changes we would like as we grow older.
This term we are exploring Buddhism through the question:
"Is it possible for everyone to be happy?"
We began by discussing if we think it is possible for everyone to be happy. We discussed the story of the Buddha and found out about how Buddhists follow the 8 fold path.
Year 5
We have been exploring the big Question:
Do beliefs in Karma, Samsara and Moksha help Hindus lead good lives?
So far we have explored the different aspects of the Sikh religion and the symbolism of Mandalas representing the circle of life.
We have explored the different aspects of Sikh life.
Year 6
How is eternal love shown in a Christian Wedding Ceremony?
We discussed and looked at how each of the different elements of a Christian wedding shows eternal love. We explored the following: vows and promises, rings, The Bible and signing the document.
Is anything ever eternal?
Our new topic this term is to explore whether anything is ever eternal. For our first lesson we had a class discussion about what we consider is eternal or not eternal in our lives and why. Take a look at our reasons why...
The 5 Pillars of Islam
In RE, we looked at the prayer ritual known as Salat and discussed why Muslims commit to this. We then had the opportunity to look at the artefacts used during prayer.