Sea View School Uniform
All clothing must be labelled clearly with the child’s full name and class (including P.E kits, coats hats and gloves). A useful tip is to fasten a distinctive key ring to your child's coat in addition to the labels.
Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers.
White polo shirt.
Royal blue school sweatshirt/cardigan.
White or grey socks or plain tights.
Dark shoes with no or low heels.
P.E Kit
Plain white T-shirt.
Navy blue/black shorts.
Children need a change of trainers or plimsolls for outdoor P.E. lessons.
Please make sure that your child can fasten their own shoes as they will need to change them several times a day. Velcro is often a more suitable choice until the child can tie laces.
Analogue watches (no smart watches) are the only permitted jewellery. Jewellery may not be worn by children, especially rings, bracelets, necklaces and ear-rings. This is for the safety of the children. We would ask parents considering having their child's ears pierced to do his at the start of a long holiday.
Make-up and nail varnish are not allowed for school and your child will be asked to remove it. Long hair should be tied back for safety reasons. Please ensure that any hair accessories are functional and sensible (no large hairbands).
School uniform is available to buy from local retailers.