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Sea View Primary School

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Helping your child

Reading with your child

Find a moment when you are not too busy and find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Remember that a few minutes each day is better than a long stretch. Also remember reading should be a pleasure, not a test!

Before you begin

• Look at the cover

• Look at the title

• Read the “blurb” on the back of the book

• Talk about the author and the illustrator

• Ask questions about what the story might be about or what you think might happen in the story After the story give lots of praise and try one or two of the following

• Ask which part of the story they liked best and why

• Ask why they think events happened

• Ask where the story took place

• Ask about who was in the story

• Ask what they would have done in the same situation

• Ask if they know only stories that are similar by the same author When sharing a book give lots of praise. If your child is stuck on a word you could

• Encourage your child to re-read

• Look at the picture

• Say each sound in the word •

Read on to the end of the sentence If after two attempts the word is still unknown, say the correct word and ask them to repeat it.

Accept misread words if they make sense and don’t affect the story. At the end check if they can remember the word. Make a game of it.

Ways to share a book

• Sit at the same level as your child

• You could read the story first then talk about it and ask questions about it

• You could read alternative pages with your child

• You and your child could read together

• Your child could read and you support when needed

• Ask them to share the story with younger siblings to help build their confidence.

Helping your child with Maths

Tips for helping your child to enjoy maths

• Point out the different shapes to be found around your home

• Take your child shopping and talk about the quantities of anything you buy • Let your child handle money and work out how much things cost

• Look together for numbers on street signs and car registration plates

• Talk about pocket money and what your child could buy with it Try to make maths as fun as possible – games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start.

It’s also important to show how we use maths skills in our everyday lives and to involve your child in this. Identifying problems and solving them can also help your child develop maths skills. If you see him or her puzzling over something, talk about the problem and try to work out the situation together.

• Ask your child to weigh the fruit and vegetables You can help by practising times tables and asking for the answers to simple sums Questions to ask your child are

• What is 7 multiplied by 8?

• Divide 12 by 3

• What is the product of 4 and 5?

• Can 65 be divided by 5? How do you know?

• Is 24 a multiple of 6? How do you know? Mental Activities

• Practising and developing knowledge of addition and subtraction facts within 20 (7+8, 13-5 etc.) and multiplication and division facts to 10x10 (6x7, 35/5 etc.)

• Make it into a game if possible, e.g. have a set of cards numbered 1-10, pick a number such as 4, say 4 times the number on the card as each is turned over and keep all the cards you get right

• Ask “progressive” calculations, e.g. 7+6, 17+6, 27+6, 47+6, 147+6; 5x2, 500x2, 500x20

• One very good idea which is appropriate for any level, so the whole car/bus/train/plane can be involved

• Ask the question “The answer is 10” (or any number), what’s the question? Possible responses 8 plus 2, 1 million divided by one hundred thousand, 5 x 2, 25-15 Try to find examples in everyday life to make maths relevant and fun.


  • Reception 88.34
  • Year 1 93.39
  • Year 2 94.35
  • Year 3 93.83
  • Year 4 93.91
  • Year 5 91.57
  • Year 6 92.95
  • Whole School:


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Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


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