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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons



Year 3 CM

Welcome to Class 3CM!


3CM 2023-2024

These are the key instant recall facts for the Year 3 mathematics curriculum.

Pedestrian Training

This week we completed our pedestrian training sessions.  We have been spending the last few weeks going out into the local area to learn new skills for crossing the roads safely.  Today we completed our sessions and received our certificates.

Children's Mental Health Week - My Voice Matters We read the story 'Worried Arthur' and we identified what Arthur done when he had a worry. We discovered there were many different strategies to use but they all began with talking about it.

Rainforest Explorers at Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens

It's party time! We were having too much fun to take many photo's but here's a few of the children meeting Santa and enjoying their buffet!

Say hello to our new Playground Pals. These children will be helping out at playtimes and lunchtimes on the yard. They will be looking out for children who need a friend as well as making sure children are being kind to each other and following our golden rules. There are two teams of children (1 from each Y3 class) and they will take turns to be on duty.

The Seals of St Mary's by Lucy Wraight

We had a fantastic visit from a local author, Lucy Wraight this morning. Lucy read her story to us and answered questions. She told us all about how she became an author and how she was inspired for her story.

Star writers for this half term.

We had the BEST day in school with the visit from the basketball player Paul Sturgess. He made us see that being unique is a gift and talked to us about how he has used his height to his advantage. We also talked about not giving up and reaching for the stars as well as learning some cool basketball tricks!

We had a fantastic time on our visit to Northumbria University! We were geologists for a morning and learned all about rocks, fossils and the rock cycle. We loved working in the lab to do our experiment.


As part of our design technology project we have learned about safety and hygiene in the kitchen as well as seasonal foods. To complete our project, we designed, made and enjoyed eating some pitta pizzas. We all agreed that making them was a lot of fun and we enjoyed eating them too!

Make Someone Laugh.

To celebrate Red Nose Day 2023 we, as a class, voted on the three best jokes and performed them in the Sea View Comedy Club. Sit back and enjoy the show...


Still image for this video

Muddy Monsters! We had a fantastic time exploring outdoor learning in our Muddy Monsters session this week. Take a look at our photos to see what we got up to!

This week in our science lessons we had a lot of fun learning all about our different muscles and what we use them for. The children designed their own investigation into exploring which muscles we used when we exercised and really enjoyed carrying out the experiments!

Rainforest Research

Today we began preparation for our non-chronological report writing.  We split into groups and each group had an area of the rainforest to research.  We then learned about how to present our work in paragraphs with sub-headings.  We will collect all of our research together to complete our written reports later in the week.

Rainforest Research!

It's party day!

Today we had a visitor from NUSTEM to teach us all about rocks... from space! We had a fantastic time exploring the meteorites that were over 4 billion years old.

Look at our beautiful Diva lamps that we made to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali - the festival of lights.

Competition Winner! We entered a competition to design a poster to show what we had learned during our pedestrian training and we have a winner! Congratulations!

Today we held an assembly for Remembrance Day. In the assembly we followed the story of a young soldier in WW1. The children were very moved by the story. Following this we observed a two minute silence at 11am. The children were all very respectfull. We then listened to The Last Post and discussed how the piece of music made us feel. In the children's free time this afternoon, some of them chose to draw pictures or do some writing about the significance of the day.

Beautiful animation sees war as experienced by animals | Poppies - BBC

Subscribe and 🔔 to the BBC 👉 Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉 BBC Children's remembrance film. A beautiful and evocative animation that sees war as experienced by animals in a WWI battlefield.

We are really enjoying our new music lessons!

We received our pedestrian training certificates! We were praised by the trainers for our sensible attitude, good listening and developing our skills.

Science experiment into rock erosion.

Year 3 had a fantastic afternoon of outdoor learning with the team from Muddy Monsters.  Take a look at the fabulous photographs to see what the monsters got up to!

Pedestrian training in Year 3

Year 3 practising their games skills with our sports coach from South Shields FC

2021 - 2022

It’s Thrive Time!
In our thrive time this week we discussed the importance of families.  We talked out different kinds of families and what makes them special. We shared the story ‘and Tango makes three,’ a lovely story about two male penguins that are desperate for a baby chick penguin to join their family and then become father’s.  The story is a true tale about penguins in New York Central Park Zoo and the children loved it!

The Story of Tutankhamun

This week we have started our new quality text, ‘The Story of Tutankhamun.’  It is a non-fiction text which links to our topic for the term, Ancient Egypt.  The children enjoyed exploring the mystery boxes to uncover some of the wonders of Egypt and discuss their ideas about what we could be learning about.  We then introduced the text and children were grouped to each explore an area of Egyptian lifestyle to create mind maps.  We will use our mind maps late this week to create some non-chronological reports.

Let’s get animated!
We have been learning about animation in our computing lessons. Today we created some stop frame animation using the iPads. It was so much fun! 🎬🎬🎬

Our Castles!

Happy Mother’s Day

We wrote personal messages for all of our fantastic mams to show them just how much we care for them. 💐

Red Nose Day fun!

Our castle designs

World Book Day 2022

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

Today we took part in an online assembly all about raising the awareness of mental health in children.  We talked about emotions and our feelings.  We explored how, at certain times, we all feel different things and it’s perfectly normal to feel any emotion but we also need to think about how we deal with those emotions and who we can talk to.  We made stars to describe our own feelings and filled the stars with pictures of things that we loved.  We then got into pairs for our ‘Thrive time’ and worked together on our golden rule of being kind to each other.  We explored what it felt like when someone was kind or unkind to you and how it felt to be kind or unkind to someone else.  The children finished the activity by making a speech bubble for their friend with a kind message on it.  You can see from the pictures how it made them feel! ❤️

Safer Internet Day 2022

Today we explored the theme of staying safe online.  We talked about how we communicate with others and which are the safe ways to do this.  The children enjoyed designing their own level to a game including the safety rules that must be followed for online gaming.

Bonjour! Today in our French lesson we enjoyed learning the names of classroom objects. 🇫🇷

Music Day! 🎶🎶🎶

What a fantastic day we have all had!  We have sang, we have danced, we have learned how to play a tune on a glockenspiel! We have listened to jazz, rock n’ roll! classical and disco music and discussed how they make us feel and our likes and dislikes.  The children have become the instruments, using their bodies and voices to explore pulse and rhythm as well as to make a piece of body percussion to represent a passing storm ⛈! Ask your children at home about their favourite music from today and how it made them feel, I would love to know what they think.  😊

Today the children carried out an experiment to discover if there is a link between grease stains and the nutritional values of food.  We had a lot of fun in the process of discovering the answer to our question and it gave us a lot to think about the types of food we eat.  🍏🍗🥦🍕🍓🍟

The Golden Rules

This term in our PHSCE lessons we are revisiting our golden rules and unpicking what they really mean and look like in our daily school life.  Each week we are exploring one rule in detail. This week we are working on ‘At Sea View Primary School we… listen to each other’.  The children were give a task to complete by working in partnership with each other.  We had a lot of fun and good discussion about this rule.  👂👂👂!

We love to read!

In Year 3, we love our after lunch reading sessions.  We have a variety of resources to support children’s reading at each stage. We use Read, Write Inc, Accelerated Reader and Reading Plus and all of the children enjoy developing their skills and challenging themselves. If you need any support for home reading, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  Reading for pleasure is our goal for all children and we are happy to help in any way. 😊

Practicing our skills in P.E. and keeping ourselves fit and healthy.

Rainforest Research!

The children are really enjoying learning all about the rain forest and have been busy today researching different aspects to help them write a report on the subject later on in the week.  Ask your children at home about what they have found out so far! 🌳

Health, movement and nutrition

We had a lot of fun in science this week investigating our muscles and what we use them for.  The children designed their own investigations into how our muscles control our movements and we were all worn out by the end of the day!

The Great Kapok Tree

Our text for this half term in The Great Kapok Tree. The text explores the variety of life living in the Brazilian rain forest and looks at the importance of saving our rain forests. The children debated our big question this morning, coming up with arguments for and against and listening to various points of view. 

The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry

In the Amazon Rainforest, a man is chopping down a great Kapok tree. Exhausted from his labor, he puts down his axe and rests. As he sleeps, the animals who ...

Attendance matters! Well done to our attendance award winners this term. 🏆😊🏆

We have come to the end of our science topic ‘Rocks, soils and fossils’. The children have learned so much over the last term and showed great enthusiasm for the subject. We finished off the topic by making some fossils of our own… luckily they didn’t take quite as long as real ones!

We have been learning about Mary Anning in our science lesson today. The children learned about her life and the importance of her work. Watch this video with your child to find out more!

The life and work of Mary Anning (dramatisation) | History - True Stories

Suitable for teaching 5-11s. Mary Anning tells the story of her life and shows us how she found fossils that changed scientific thinking worldwide. Subscribe...

Maths is fun!

We enjoyed challenging our friends in a game of ‘What am I?’ In our maths lessons this week when we were learning about the properties of 2D shapes.  

We had a lot of fun this week recreating Stonehenge!  We know lots of interesting facts about Stonehenge, please ask us about it at home. 😊

Hocus Pocus

Our current focus in our English lessons is ‘Hocus Pocus’.  During this topic the children will be listening to, performing and exploring the vocabulary of lots of poetry and spells.  The children have enjoyed learning ‘The Witch's Brew’ this week and we even had some witches visit our class to answer our questions on Thursday!  The children had a lot of fun and we look forward to learning lots more spells! 😺🧙🕷

Children in Need Day 2021


Stone Age cave art

Pedestrian training awards... Well done 3CM!

Pedestrian training in Year 3


I think these children deserve a huge round of applause… 100% attendance for this term so far! There have been a lot of bugs and colds this half term so this truly is amazing. Attending school each day is so important to your child’s education and we encourage them to be in school as much as possible. I think with a little extra push we could even win the attendance trophy next term… let’s give it a go!

Happy Halloween Everyone! 🎃🎃🎃

Year 3 enjoying physical activity with our coaches from South Shields FC. The children are working on developing their game skills, rules and making games fair.

The children in Year 3 take part in a 6 week pedestrian training course.  The children go out to the streets around the school and practice various road safety skills. This week the children were learning how to safely cross between two parked cars when there is no other option. 

We enjoyed a day of art and relaxation in school to raise awareness of good mental health and strategies for young people to develop this.  The children took time to listen to music, paint, draw, take part in a yoga session, chat with their friends, practice deep breathing and learn all about the three parts of the brain and what each part does. E also completed our daily mile, stressing the importance of physical well-being and getting outdoors to support good mental health. 

Black All Around | Storytime Books Read Aloud

Book: Black All AroundAuthor: Patricia HubbellIllustrator: Don TateThank you for taking the time to listen to and watch Storytime Books Read Aloud. Remember ...

As part of World Mental Health Day, we explored how colours made you feel and what you associate certain colours with.  We started with this story and had a good discussion around the colour black and some negative feelings about it. We then read the story and chatted about all of the wonderful things the colour black represents. 

Daily Mile

The children enjoy taking part in the daily mile every afternoon in Year 3.  We encourage the children to challenge themselves and try to do just a little bit more each day.  The children love to share their achievements and it gives them some much needed fresh air and exercise each and every day... even in the rain!

During our first week in school we explored the story 'I'm Not Invited?'  We looked at the emotions and feelings surrounding what it feels like when you are left out of something.  The children then created some fantastic self portraits showing themselves feeling a range of emotions.

Story 41: I'm Not Invited?

Stone Age Boy

This term, our quality text in English is Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura.  We are working through the book a small section at a time so that the children become familiar with the story and enjoy exploring different aspects that the story has to offer.  When we have finished reading the story I will share a link to the book below with you but as we are working towards the end, we would like all the children to experience the same parts together.

Spelling sets - Autumn 1


  • Reception 92.35
  • Year 1 93.09
  • Year 2 93.32
  • Year 3 94.44
  • Year 4 92.86
  • Year 5 94.34
  • Year 6 93.09
  • Whole School:


Contact Us

Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


View us on Google Maps