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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons



Safer Internet Day 2024

Our safeguarding superstars held an assembly to introduce the theme for this years Safer Internet day. The theme is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’. At Sea View we want to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children. The learning in classes this week can be seen below.


In reception we introduced the concept of change. We talked about what change means and how to recognise simple changes. The children were given examples of everyday pictures, one by one, for each pair of pictures, children had to identify what has changed each time. They could recognise that change means something becomes different. 

Year 1

In Year 1, we combined Safer Internet Day with our history topic of 'Before Me'. We looked at technology in the past and compared how devices looked 50 years ago, 20 years ago and now!


We looked at some real life devices from history which we found very fascinating!

We concluded that technology has become much more helpful and easier for us to use but that this does mean it can be more difficult to stay safe when using devices.


The class came up with some excellent rules to help children to stay safe.

Year 2 


In year 2 we explored technology changes through time alongside how the internet can affect people's feelings and how to tell a trusted adult about this.  We began by looking at devices over time and ordering them from the oldest to the newest. We spoke about how these devices had changed and how they looked different. We then looked at a story about two characters called Mo and Jazz and talked about how they could stay safe online whilst online gaming. We also discussed if they were upset whilst playing their games what they could do about this and who they could tell. We spoke about all the trusted adults around us that we could speak to. 

Year 3


In Year 3 we have been looking at Technology Through Time. 


As a class we looked at what technology used to look like in the past, and discussed whether we preferred old technology or modern technology - the overall agreement was that modern technology is much better, as it is more interesting, exciting and interactive.


We then discussed what we wanted technology to look like in 20 years time. We were allowed to be as creative as we liked when thinking of what the future would look like; some of us wanted education to no longer take place in schools, but to be replaced by a microchip full of information that we could pop into our brains to download any information that we wanted; some of us wanted phones to have notifications that were projected out of the screen as a hologram!


I wonder if any of our visions will become a reality in 20 years time?

Year 4


In Year 4 we explored how technology’s design can influence and persuade people. We also thought about the effect it can have on us.


‘Persuasive design’ is a design practice that companies use to change and influence users’ thoughts and behaviours.


We began by working in groups to match the persuasive design technique cards with the correct persuasive design definition cards. We then discussed any times we have seen or experienced these when they have been online. We also discussed which ones we found the most persuasive and why. We thought of things we could do to stop some of these persuasive techniques from negatively affecting them, such as turning off autoplay, muting push notifications, taking breaks from devices and asking a trusted adult for help.

Year 5

As part of Safer Internet Day, we discussed the positive and negative impacts influencers have on followers. We decided to design and create our own positive influencers.

We created profiles which will inspire and help other to make a difference.

Year 6

Safer Internet Day


During Safer Internet Day, we explored the use of AI and discussed the importance of it in our world today.

We then designed our own influencers and identified what they promote and created positive messages they would post on social media.



  • Reception 92.35
  • Year 1 93.09
  • Year 2 93.32
  • Year 3 94.44
  • Year 4 92.86
  • Year 5 94.34
  • Year 6 93.09
  • Whole School:


Contact Us

Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


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