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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons



Computing at Sea View

The purpose of study

A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology

Meet Chloe Computing.

Chloe Computing is part of our Curriculum Crew who is introduced at the start of each topic and lesson, providing a visual link to lessons and allows our children to focus on the skills needed in the upcoming tasks.

Chloe is featured as part of our Computing Pathway Journey - allowing the children to revisit and consolidate prior learning .




We used the interactive whiteboard, exploring the different paint options to use for our large scale mark-making, helping to develop our gross motor skills

We used the interactive whiteboard to complete the mini-beast numeracy challenge. We counted the spots and tried to match them to the correct numeral by tapping or dragging on the board and waiting for the response to see if we were correct.



This week we looked at technology. We looked at different things that are technology as a class before splitting in to groups to go on a technology hunt around our school. We saw things like computers, dishwashers, printers and even cameras!

We have been using 2simple to draw pictures of harvest festival vegetables that we brought in from home to make soup. We read the story of Oliver's vegetables and talked about the  vegetable patch in his Granda's garden.

Year 1

Lego Spike

During summer term we have been using Lego Spike which has introduced children to engineering design skills. Children have worked collaboratively to build a swing and then they have used coding blocks to create and test a program to make the swing move. 

In Year 1 we have used different devices in our computing sessions.

This term we are looking at basic skills for using our electronic devices, as well as digital painting!

This term our topic is Digital Writing. We have been learning how to recognise and identify keys on a keyboard. To help us with this we coloured in each letter on a keyboard and then typed each letter onto a word document. The children are growing in confidence each week. 

Year 2

In computing half term we have been exploring Lego Spike when learning about coding and algorithms.  We built models in teams using online instructions then created algorithms to make them move and make sounds.  We looked at how changing the variables of speed and available sound effects made or models better or worse.


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Year 3

We have been exploring animation over the last few weeks. This week we made our own animation videos using the ipads. We took photographs to create stop frame animation and then we put them together adding transitions, timing and sound effects.

As part of our computing curriculum, we are exploring the benefits of how digital devices can be used to make some tasks easier. This week we are comparing using a paint programme online compared to using paint and paper to recreate Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Year 4

We explored how to edit digital images using an online editor. We discovered that changes can be made to images using a range of tools, such as using the ‘crop’ tool and how to change the colour and brightness of images. We evaluated the effect that these effects have on an image.

Lego Spike


We had a great time using Lego to make our learning come to life! We worked in pairs to follow the building instructions to make a playground ride. We then connected our Lego models to the Chrome books so we could program them to move and light up!

Year 5

Last Transmission Home.

Using a greenscreen we edited and recorded our powerful and emotive speeches sending our final transmission home after a failed mission to Mars.


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  The micro:bit can be programmed to do a number of different things, it can be a digital watch, fitness tracker or a games console. The device features 25 LED lights and two programmable buttons, which can be used in game-play or to skip through tracks in a playlist. We used online coding to program the micro:bit to display our name in lights, we have designed our own emoji's and created a working dice.

A2 Resource_ Microbit emulator (video).mp4

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Year 6

Safer Internet Day


During Safer Internet Day, we explored the use of AI and discussed the importance of it in our world today.

We then designed our own influencers and identified what they promote and created positive messages they would post on social media.





Lego Spike Prime


Year 6 enjoyed working in pairs to build the ''break dancer.'' They then experimented with timing and syncing the motion of the legs with the blinking light on the hub. They had the opportunity to programme with variables and data to add different sounds and notes.  



We have been learning how to use the interactive whiteboard, using our hands to change the pen colour and the size of the pen tip in order to create our Autumn tree, using seasonal colours.

We used the interactive whiteboard, clicking and dragging to complete the maths puzzles.

We used the interactive white board to find out information and develop counting skills

We looked at the properties of shapes and matched these to shapes on the interactive white board.

Together we used the interactive whiteboard to make a Spring scene. We dragged objects onto our picture on the whiteboard using our fingers and also using the mouse.


We have enjoyed a visit to the Computing Suite to use 2Simple City. We have been learning how to control the mouse and begin to use left click. We discovered it takes a lot of practise!   

In computing, we have enjoyed learning the difference between digital and non-digital technology. We discovered that digital technology is a type of tool that allows us to get, send and save information. We then spoke about the digital devices around us for example the computer and the iPad. We then used our knowledge to cut and then sort the pictures into digital devices and non-digital devices. 

Year 1

During our computing sessions, children are developing their understanding of a range of tools used for digital painting. They will then use these tools to create their own digital paintings, while gaining inspiration from a range of artists’ work. The unit concludes with learners considering their preferences when painting with and without the use of digital devices. We began by exploring tools on Paint.

Year 2

In computing we have been exploring different types of technology and digital photography. We learnt the terms portrait and landscape and used the iPads to take photographs. 

Year 3

We have been learning about computer networks. Today we went on a hunt to find out how the network works in our school, what it is linked to and how it helps

This week in Year 3 we have been comparing the similarities and differences between using digital and non-digital methods to complete tasks. We used Van Gogh's, A Starry Night as inspiration for our work and compared using pencil, paint and technology to recreate the masterpiece. We then discussed what was easier or harder and what we preferred.

We have been identifying digital and non-digital devices and learning about input and output.

Year 4

We explored how to change digital images using an online editor. We discovered that changes can be made to images using a range of tools, such as using the ‘crop’ tool. We evaluated the effect that this can have on an image.

We used data loggers to record the results of our investigation. We record the decibels as shown on the data loggers and then created a line graph on the computer to present our results.

We have been introduced to using the Chrome books this term and have explored the different ways we can use them to help us consolidate our learning.


We have used Google Classroom to create our own missing posters for Edward Tulane. We looked at ways we can add pictures and text, including how to change the size, font and colour.


We compared the different ways that we had presented our posters and thought of ways we could improve them.

Year 5

Lego Coding.

We have been using coding to instruct our arctic snowmobiles to navigate round perilous icebergs. We had great fun constructing our vehicles and using the iPads to control and instruct our snowmobiles.


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The World Cup 2022.


It's half time and our team are losing 1-0 in a crucial World Cup match. Using the green screen we recorded our thoughts and feelings as we prepare for the second half.

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Vector Drawing

  In Computing we have been learning about vector drawings and how these are made up of simple shapes and lines. We used  main drawing tools in google draw to create simple images, experimenting with different effects. 


Year 6

Internet Safety

For Internet Safety Day, we created a presentation for the Year 2 and 3 children about how to stay safe online. We included advice on keeping safe online, age restrictions, cyber bullying and discussed who they can talk to.



Year 6 have been looking at spreadsheets in computing. We have answered questions from existing data and asked simple questions based on a spreadsheet about devices. We then had the opportunity to quiz our peers. 



It is important in the EYs to give children a broad, play-based experience of ICT in a range of contexts, including outdoor play. Computing is not just about computers. Early years learning environments should feature ICT scenarios based on experience in the real world, such as in role play. Children gain confidence, control and language skills through opportunities to explore using non-computer based resources such as programmable toys and walkie-talkie sets. Recording devices can support children to develop their communication skills.

Using the interactive whiteboard for mark-making and patterns


We used the 2Simple programme to create our own pictures. We used the whiteboard to create our pictures and then used the keyboard to write our names.

As part of our topic ‘Come outside’ we have been using 2Simple to to grow plants and to help them grow we need to click and drag the mouse to move the watering can and it waters the plants. 

We used the 2Simple programme to explore different settings, such as the zoo. We then named the things we could see and moved the correct objects in the correct places in the setting.

We are learning about recycling and have been practising our computer skills and sorting the objects which are made of wood, glass,plastic, and metal.

It’s Bonfire night and we are using 2Simple Splash to draw the night sky. Children selected colours for a purpose and could begin to change the size of the splash by clicking on icons.

We are embedding our Maths skills as well as our Oct skills by counting objects and matching the number. 

Year One

In computing we explored technology around us and the different parts of a computer. 

In the ICT suite we learnt to log on using a username and password. We opened the program paint and practiced our mouse movement skills. 

We can now independently log on to the computer and open the program paint. We used our computing skill to use shape and colour to create a house. 

Year Two

Musical Technology


Throughout our Spring term we have been exploring how computing has influenced the world of music.  We listened to music inspired by the Greek Gods and thought about how it made us feel.  Then we found our rhythm using the Chrome Music Lab before exploring how images can represent sound.  


Take a listen to some of our musical creations...


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During our computing lessons we have been learning about photography. We learned how to frame a picture, how to take a good quality photograph and when to use portrait and landscape. Once we were confident with this, we worked on our editing skills using the computer. We used different filters and other editing features to change our selfies into exciting, creative photographs.

Year Three

In computing we have started to learn about animation.  We have discussed the key question ‘Can a picture move?’ and explored ideas around this theme.  We began this week by making flip books to create the illusion that our pictures are moving.  We loved sharing them with our friends once they were complete.

Flip books

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Year Four

In the Autumn term our topic was "The Internet". We looked at how networks are connected, how they are kept secure and the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web. We went on a hunt around the school looking for all of the different components that make up our school network and enjoyed using the chrome books when consolidating our learning.

During the Spring term we have been learning about podcasts. We have written and recorded a series of episodes for our podcast "Deadly Disasters!" where we have used our expert knowledge of different natural disasters from our History and Geography topic to inform others.


Take a look at the logos we created for each episode 

Year Five

Movie Making.

During this topic we explored the history of movie making and used this to inspire us to create a Book Trailer based on our stunning novel, "THE EXPLORER". We created a storyboard mapping out each scene and then using iMovie we imported music and images to create our own mini movies.

We transferred these skills during World Book Day creating Book Trailers for our very own , "World's Worst Children".

Meet Mean Marcus...

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Meet William the Worm Eater...

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Meet Sweaty Steve...

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Year Six

During our E-Safety topic, we looked at safe and unsafe topics to discuss with others. We then read through some scenarios and explained what each person should and shouldn’t discuss within the conversation. 


  • Reception 94.44
  • Year 1 92.35
  • Year 2 93.06
  • Year 3 93.32
  • Year 4 94.42
  • Year 5 92.85
  • Year 6 94.33
  • Whole School:


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Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


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