Year 5 NC
Welcome to 5NC
Welcome to fantastic 5NC! In Year 5, we cover a broad curriculum allowing the children to explore many books, think mathematically, write creatively and most of all… enjoy their learning. Have a look at some of the amazing things we have been so far...
Our singing preparations are well underway for our upcoming performance at Durham Cathedral!

As part of our Science topic this term, we have investigated water resistance, air resistance and friction. We have discovered how forces are all around us and can be both helpful and unhelpful. We have created fair tests to investigate how different shapes, sizes and materials can effect the amount of force upon an object.

We had a fantastic time at Beamish exploring life in 1913 as a Suffragette. We dramatised life as either a Suffragette, a Suffragist or an Antist and took part in protests and debates to deepen our understanding of our History topic.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Thank you for an amazing turn out to our coffee morning!

Library Visit

Design Technology: Textiles - Stuffed Toys
As an introduction to our Design Technology topic, we discussed and evaluated our own stuffed toys. We discussed a variety of criteria to help us to design and make our own!

We explored the causes and consequences of racism in a fun and engaging workshop.
We discussed the role of the internet in our every day lives and considered how to question and think critically about things that we see online.
We identified the ways in which we can use online gaming appropriately.
We questioned and discussed the use of racist language when online.