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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons



Year 1 BH

Welcome to 1BH!

In Year 1 we explore the broad range of areas the National Curriculum offers.  This includes English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Computing, R.E., P.E., Music, P.S.H.E., Design and Technology and Art.

1BH 2023-2024

Generation Wild at Washington Wetlands


We were lucky enough to be a part of the Generation Wild movement at Washington Wetlands where the children were encouraged to love and look after nature. We explored all the wetlands had to offer during the morning, including visiting bird hides and seeing flamingos. In the afternoon we met Ava from our Generation Wild story who set us a series of tasks that took us all around the wetlands! We saw birds, met otters and found amazing plants like mint and rosemary which we used out sense of smell to find. It was a brilliant day!

D.T.: Windmills!

We have been learning about windmills and their structure. We researched and designed an effective structure. The children created sails that can capture the wind and spin.

International Women's Day: Amelia Earhart

As part of our topic Great Explorers, we have been learning about some fantastic adventurers who explored amazing places.

This week, to celebrate International Women's Day, we learned all about Amelia Earhart and what makes her not only a great explorer but a brilliant female role model.

We researched her life, mapped out her journeys, role played as a pilot and even created our own planes using junk modelling materials!


We discovered that a rocketship had crash landed into our school yard! Year 1 were the first on the scene and quickly looked for clues. There were yellow footprints, moon rocks and alien slime!

The children soon found a storybook that showed us the alien who had crashed was Beegu!

Wild at West Boldon Lodge!


As part of our class story this term, Wild, we visited a forest to explore life as the wild girl. We have had a superb day exploring the wilderness, making art using nature and even enjoyed some campfire treats!


The children were brilliant at making dens and bird feeders, as well as taking part in some bird watching. We were so proud of their super listening and teamwork. They learned lots about the story setting and will be using their experiences to create some descriptive writing in class this week 🍁🌼🌳



This term, our R.E. question is: Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?


To begin this topic, we read 'Say Hello' by Jack Foreman and discussed how we show kindness and friendship to the people around us. We acted out parts of the story and using freeze frames to talk about how the characters were feeling and what we could do to show friendship.

We spent the afternoon, showing friendship to our classmates. We made friendship bracelets, took part in team painting and building challenges, made friendship cards and working together. We learned how to be good friends and how to show friendship like Jesus did.

Say Hello

Rock Pooling!

As part of our English lessons we have been reading The Rainbow Fish.

We visited the beach to look at the setting of the story and got to explore the rock pools and everything they had to offer.

We discovered crabs, fish, shrimps and even starfish!

NUSTEM Workshop


We took part in a STEM workshop where we learned all about being naval architects! We learned about boats, made predictions and discussed the best shape for a boat. We used trial and improvement to create boats that floated using different materials.


We invited our parents in to show them what we had learned and to complete some more exciting tasks!

Settling in to the new year!

We have enjoyed our first days in Year 1!


We have explored the areas, worked creatively and had lots of fun!


Geography Fieldwork and Beach Trip

We had a brilliant day today at the beach! We completed our geography fieldwork where we collected traffic data.

We spent the rest of the day at the beach playing, building and exploring. It was so much fun and we were all very tired by the end of our fantastic day!


Make Someone Laugh.

To celebrate Red Nose Day 2023 we, as a class, voted on the three best jokes and performed them in the Sea View Comedy Club. Sit back and enjoy the show...


Still image for this video

Great Explorers

We began our topic 'Great Explorers' and learned about many fantastic explorers and what they are known for in our orienteering course.
The first explorer we have covered is Ernest Shackleton who explored the Antarctic! We read about his life and experienced what it would be like to be part of his camp. We built shelters, tried out sleeping bags and even had to face some snow of our own outside!
The class were brilliant explorers!

Outdoor Learning!

We have a wonderful day outdoors during our Muddy Monsters session! We explored nature, painted and played with mud and even made s’mores using the campfire!


Exploring Winter!

We have been tracking seasonal changes through the year. We have enjoyed experiencing winter weather and making observations in and outside of the classroom.

Polar Express Day

We read the story of The Polar Express and enjoyed an immersive day of the story. We handed in our train tickets, enjoyed a hot chocolate and spent the day in our pjs! On our journey, we made our own biscuits and retold the story. We took our very own magical bell home.

"The bell still rings for all who truly believe.

Making our own houses!

After our visit from the wolf and reading the story of The Three Little Pigs, we spent some time outside and built our own houses made from sticks just like the second little pig.
We tried to make them as strong and sturdy as possible, and checked to see if the Big Bad Wolf would be able to blow them down!
In the classroom, we explored other resources to try and make the best house for the little pigs. We used lego, blocks, cubes and even fabric to make houses and dens. 

English: The Three Little Pigs

The children discovered that our classroom had become a crime scene!
It was covered in footprints, straw, sticks, bricks and claw marks! Who could it have been?
We are in the middle of our investigations to find out who created such a mess. The children did some excellent detective work today looking closely at the evidence to work out who or what trashed the class. Can you spot who we have found lurking on the CCTV?

We used the CCTV footage to collect descriptive language in order to create wanted posters to catch the Big Bad Wolf!

School Days in the Past

As part of our history topic, we learned about what school used to be like in the past. Our historical afternoon saw our desks in rows facing the front, we wrote on blackboards, completed some outdoor studies/artwork and found out about old playground games!

Our Friendship Potion!


We finished our story The Rainbow Fish where the fish learned to be a kind friend to others. We used what we had learned to create our own friendship potion!


We came up with the ingredients for what would make a good friend and then chose how much to put into our potion e.g. a sprinkle of, a dash of. At the end we gave it a good mix and poured it into our special jar!

The children knew lots of qualities of good friends and could talk about when they had been a good friend too.

Outdoor Maths

We explored <, > and = symbols using outdoor and maths resources. We represented the numbers and created our own number sentences using the symbols we have learned.

Forest School

We LOVED taking part in a Muddy Monsters session where we explored the outdoors and were creative with nature!

Our Visit to the Aquarium!

We have been learning about the Rainbow Fish and where he lives. As part of this learning, we took a trip to the aquarium where we got to see lots of different sea life, from turtles to seals! We loved learning about the animals and seeing them in real life!

Our story this term is the Rainbow Fish...

Welcome to Year 1 2022-23



We have been problem solving in maths! 

Are there double the amount of number bonds to 20 compared to number bonds to 10?

For World Book Day we read the story We’re Going on a Bear. 
We acted out the story in front of a green screen - enjoy!! 

We're Going On A Bear Hunt 1BP

Emily Hughes reads Wild

Our book this term is Wild by Emily Hughes - we have looked at the first few pages and thought about the main character and setting.

We have been learning all about animals in science!

NUSTEM visited to teach us all about naval architecture

Three Little Pigs

In literacy we used the traditional tale of the 3 little pigs to explore story writing.

[Special Effects] The Rainbow Fish | Read Aloud Books for Children

We have been reading the story of The Rainbow Fish in our writing lessons this term. We have used to story to help develop our phonics and writing skills.

The Color Monster

We explored the story of the Colour Monster to help us understand our feelings in Year 1!


  • Reception 92.35
  • Year 1 93.09
  • Year 2 93.32
  • Year 3 94.44
  • Year 4 92.86
  • Year 5 94.34
  • Year 6 93.09
  • Whole School:


Contact Us

Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


View us on Google Maps