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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons



British Values


British Values Statement


The DFE have reinforced the need: -


“to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all school to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of the law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”


At Sea View we pride ourselves in the promotion of the British values of tolerance, respect for the rule of the law and UK institutions and the belief in personal and social responsibility to build successful citizens in a multi-cultural society. We believe that these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways.





  • Democracy is embedded within the life of our school.  Children have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council. Children elect their own school council representatives from their own year group and can communicate any changes they would like to see in school through their representative to be discussed at the school council meetings. School Council promotes pupil voice in the school community and defines changes to improve our school. The School Council also has an annual visit to the South Tyneside Council Chambers to further understand the role of the Council and Mayor in society.
  • Our school Relationship policy involves the children agreeing on the principles and rules within it and is reviewed as a learning agreement in classes in the Autumn Term, which all children in the class agree to by signing it.

The Rule of the Law

  • The importance of Laws, whether they are School rules or the guidelines and practice laid down in our Behaviour and Discipline Policy are consistently reinforced by all during the school day.  Children are taught the value and the reason behind laws and rules. With this comes an understanding that there is a consequence if these rules are broken.
  • Visitors to school such as the Community Police, E-safety visitors, safe cycling, and the British blue cross promote the rule of the Law, personal and social responsibility and citizenship in our wider community.



We promote British values in a variety of ways in school:

  • Use of R-time to develop relationships and manage conflict.
  • Assemblies to promote unity in school, to develop citizenship and social responsibility both in school and in the local community.
  • Visits to a range of places of Worship to develop tolerance and respect for other faiths, cultures and beliefs.
  • Visitors to school such as the Community Police, E-safety visitors, safe cycling, and the British blue cross to promote personal and social responsibility and citizenship in our wider community
  • Use of the discovery RE syllabus for RE to develop understanding and tolerance of a variety of faiths and beliefs to build successful citizens in a multi-cultural society.
  • Cross Curricular themes covered in topic look at a range of influential people from varying background and ethnicities.
  • Supporting charities such as Children in Need, Comic relief, Royal British Legion to understand our place in the wider world and how we can work together to support others.
  • Developing social responsibility through encouraging children to develop a sustainable environment through litter picking, recycling etc.



Fairness - Equality - Honesty

We talked about voting and how we all have power and control over our lives. We shared with the children how their views and opinions matter and we had a democratic vote to decide which story we wanted to listen to.

We had an extra large piece of playdough this week. We left it whole, in the middle of the table to allow the children to think about fairness and sharing of the playdough. The children then worked together, using various tools to divide and share the playdough.

We talked as a whole group about our class rules and about how rules are important in helping to keep us safe. The grown-ups helped us to record our rules and we put them into our floorbook.

When A Dragon Comes To Stay - Read Aloud

When a dragon comes to stay, will she behave herself? Why, of course she will. Obviously she knows she must share her toys, eat daintily and skip happily upstairs at bathtime. Well . . . not quite. Like all toddlers, this little dragon finds good manners a tiny bit tricky.

Mrs Henderson told us about Ruben, who had rescued dragons from his country of Brazil and brought them to England. The dragons looked different and people were scared and did not understand them. We looked at where Brazil was on the globe, it was a long way from the United Kingdom, where we live. We thought about how the dragons might be feeling, moving to a new place and talked about how we could make them feel welcome after their long journey. We said that we could be kind, show them where things are in our classroom, help them at snack time, play with them and make them happy if they were feeling sad. Although the dragons may look different to us, they liked a lot of the same things as us. We made banners and placards urging people to 'Save the dragons'!

As a group, we discussed the characters from the story and between us, we agreed who was going to draw which character on our story map. Some people wanted to draw the same character, so we negotiated to decide who would draw them.


In Reception we have been exploring equality, fairness and honesty. As part of this we have worked together to create different things in our class, like drawings or building towers.

Year 1



We have been learning about how to respect other people and why it is important. We discussed how to be respectful of others, ourselves and things.


We discussed: How do we show someone respect? How do you feel when you are treated with respect?

Year 2

In Year 2 we are focusing on the values protection, acceptance and responsibility.  This term we have created some amazing and creative work based upon these values. During circle time we have been having great discussions around what responsibility means and how we can show responsibility and what responsibility means to us. We have also been talking about who are our protectors and how we are also protectors of others. We have discussed how this also links to our school's golden rules. Furthermore, we have created some lovely work around our understanding of acceptance. We have spoke about what it means to accept others whether this be their opinions or views or that they have different skills to ourselves. 

Year 3

Mutual Respect - Tolerance - Conserving Resources

This week we focussed on the theme of respect and what this means.

What are our British Values and why are they important?

As a class, we discussed the British Values. We talked about what British Values are, why they are important, and different ways that we can uphold our British Values both inside and outside of school. We then decorated our own British Values posters to take home, so that we can always remember them!

Year 4

We discussed what individual rights means to us as British citizens. We created posters to reflect our thoughts and ideas.

In Year 4 we focus on the values of:

Social responsibility

Individual rights

Speaking freely


We discussed what being responsible means and different situations where we would show responsibility. We then created our own posters to show the importance of responsibility in society.

Year 5



Do we live in an equal society?

Inspired by our Topic in which we studied the Changing Role of Women in History, we discussed the inequalities within society in the past. We then debated whether society has put aside its prejudices and whether we do indeed live in an equal society. 

Year 6


The quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency.

We have been discussing the meaning of probity and how it is important within our society. We talked about when we have demonstrated probity during our lifetime. 


Rule by the People

We have been discussing the meaning of democracy and how it is important within our society. We explored how to get involved in a democracy in the UK by voting and then talked about our school council, which is a way to get our views and opinions across. 
After a discussion we created wonderful posters all about democracy…


  • Reception 87.80
  • Year 1 93.40
  • Year 2 94.59
  • Year 3 93.70
  • Year 4 93.92
  • Year 5 92.75
  • Year 6 93.25
  • Whole School:


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Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


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