Scientists of Sea View
The purpose of studying science.
A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.
The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
- develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
- are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future
Meet Sarah Science.
Sarah is part of our Curriculum Crew who is introduced at the start of each topic and lesson, providing a visual link to lessons and allows our children to focus on the skills needed in the upcoming tasks.
Sarah is featured as part of our Science Pathway Journey - allowing the children to revisit and consolidate prior learning .
At Sea View we are lucky enough to be partnered with NUSTEM (Northumbria University Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Based at Northumbria University, they come into school deliver workshops, provide opportunities for us to speak to real life Scientists and support our delivery of an exciting STEM curriculum.
Click on the link below to see how NUSTEM have supported our learning this year, both in and out of school!
We use the 5 enquiry types to show our children how science knowledge can be explored. These are:
Pattern seeking
Researching using secondary resources
Comparative and fair testing
Observation over time
Identifying and Classifying
We drew around ourselves and added some of the features. We then named the body parts and matched the x-rays to the correct body parts.
We used bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to make some magical potions that bubbled and fizzed when we added the liquid using different jugs, kettles and pots. We mixed them and watched amazed as the coloured potions foamed over the edge of the bowls!

Gingerbread Man puddles
In Science with the help of Sarah Scientist, we carried out an investigation to see what would happen if we put the Gingerbread Man in different liquids. We put him in milk, oil, water, juice and vinegar. We made predictions as we placed him in, discussing what we thought would happen for each liquid. We waited for 30 minutes to observe changes. We used our senses to observe what had changed about the Gingerbread Man and discussed the findings in our small groups.

In Science, we have been looking at shadows. We spoke about how the sunlight was blocked by the dinosaur toys and created the shadows on the paper. We drew around the dinosaur shadows and later checked how the shadows had changed when the sunlight had moved.
Help the penguins escape!
With help from Sarah Scientist we helped the penguins escape!
The penguins had been frozen in blocks of ice and needed our help to free them. We used a variety of materials to help rescue the penguins. We used salt, pepets full of warm water, and mini hammers to try and free the penguins.
Before using each item we made predictions as to how effective we thought it would be. It was exciting to watch the ice melt!

Year 1
Animals including Humans
This week the Rainbow Fish went missing! We needed to use our 5 senses to find where he had gone. We knew he: smelt like lemons, liked the taste of apples, felt slimy, had scales that were 10 cubes long and sounded like bubbles. We completed our blind tests to find the Rainbow Fish!

Year 2
Animals including Humans
In Science we have been exploring animals and their offspring. We sorted and catergorised animals by their features and matched them with their offspring. We looked for patterns between animals that look like their young and those that do not and found most animals that do not look like their offspring give birth to eggs.
We have also explored what animals and humans need to survive and looked at healthy lifestyles including food groups, hygiene and exercise needs.
The Human Body
In science, we have been learning all about the human body. This week, we spent time looking at the different parts of the body. We applied the knowledge that we had learned and completed a labelling activity of our own bodies.
Year 3
Exploring and understanding rocks in Year 3.

Year 4
We are loving our first Science topic in Year 4 ...Electricity. So far we have created our own circuits and debugged faulty circuits. It is a topic that is proving to be electrifying!!!
In science Year 4 have loved learning about electricity! We have identified appliances that run on electricity and we have tested equipment to see which components are needed to make a circuit. We have also used our fantastic investigation skills to debug some electrical circuits.
Year 5
Earth and Space
We are thoroughly enjoying our Science topic this term! We have explored scientific theories about the Solar System, including how the Earth is Spherical. We have also explored the different planets and how day and night happen.

Year 6
Charles Darwin
We are Darwin Detectives!
We researched Charles Darwin exploring his early life, what he was known for, his Theory of Evolution/Natural Selection and what he discovered in the Galápagos Islands. Take a look at our research…
Evolution and Inheritance- The Battle of the Beaks!
As part of our Evolution and Inheritance topic, we looked at how adaptation may lead to inheritance in our 'Battle of the Beaks' investigation. We identified that certain types of food are suited to different beak shapes, depending on the environment in which the birds live. We now know that if birds are struggling to find a source of food, this can put them at risk of extinction.
NUSTEM family workshop.
We had great fun exploring different materials to find which materials would float or sink. We had to predict if they would float or sink before we put them in the water.
Our parents and grandparents came to listen to the story Who Sank the Boat? By Pamela Allen and help us make a boat to keep the animals dry.
We talked about the changing seasons on our Autumn walk where we collected different coloured leaves that had fallen from the trees and matched them to the colour cards to make natural collages. We saw lots of berries that the birds like to feed on and used blueberries and raspberries to paint with in class.
After reading, 'Norman the slug with the silly shell', we did a gloop experiment, making slime like Norman did for our own slugs to travel through. We measured the cornflour and water and then investigated it's properties. We could bang the gloop with our hands and it didn't splash, but when we tried to pick it up, it turned to liquid!
We read the story of ‘The tiny seed’ and ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ and decided we would like to grow a sunflower and a runner bean. We learnt about how to take care of a plant and what it needs to grow.
Look how tall our plants are growing!

We enjoyed a NUSTEM workshop where we read the story The Not-So-perfect-Penguin and learnt about freezing and melting. We explored cubes of ice and used a pipette with coloured warm water to try and melt the ice to rescue the penguin.
Then our grown ups came into school for story time and we had another task of discovering how to rescue snowflakes trapped in ice. It was great fun!

We are learning about the changes in seasons and signs of Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk around the school grounds. We are learning about how the weather changes all the time in Autumn. It is often wet and windy but some days can still be sunny and golden. We enjoyed looking for leaves turning from green to orange, yellow, brown and even red. We learnt that seeds on trees ripen to make a new plant so they fall to the ground.
Will it sink or float?
In Science, we carried out an investigation to find out whether objects around our classroom would sink or float. We made predictions on whether they would float in the water bowl or sink to the bottom. We then used our observational skills to see what had happened and then discussed our results for each of the objects.
Year 2
Animals including Humans

Materials and their Properties
We have been exploring the properties of everyday materials and how these can help us make choices about their uses. We sorted materials first using our own ideas and sharing them with the class. We then sorted materials by given properties and found not all materials could be sorted by only 2 given properties.

Year 3
We had a lot of fun experimenting forces with the magnets!

We begun our exploration into Rocks, Soils and Fossils this year with an investigation into types of rocks and classification. The children used what they already knew about rocks and their properties to come up with different classification criteria for themselves.

Year 4
We explored the different organs which make up our digestive system and the rules they play in our bodies. We looked at our teeth and discussed the functions of each type of tooth.

This term we are exploring electricity. We sorted and compared a range of different electrical appliances.
We explored making our own electrical circuits by assembling the different components. We made the lightbulb glow! We then looked at ways that we can break the circuit, such as, adding a switch.
Year 5
The Great Powder Mystery.
There has been a robbery and someone has eaten all the pies! Luckily the suspects left a trail of mysterious powder. Using our knowledge of dissolving and solutions , we conducted an investigation to identify the mystery powders and uncover the thief!

Balloon Rocket Science.
Whilst studying the effects of air resistance ,we designed our own investigation to identify how we could increase the speed and distance of our balloon rockets. Like true scientists, we had a few failed attempts and needed to refine our designs to be successful in our mission.

Earth and Space.
In Year 5 we have been travelling through our solar system, blasting off into Space.
So far we have designed amazing posters based on scientific research to prove the the earth sun and moon are spherical bodies. Using the theories of ancient and modern scientist have we managed to convince you that the earth, sun and moon are spherical bodies?

We also took a tour and explored the different planets in our solar system.
Year 6
Our topic this half term is light. We looked at the different parts of the eye, explaining how the eye works. We also researched some fascinating facts about the eye.

Classifying Organisms
This term we are exploring ways in which we can classify and group organisms. We have looked at the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates and then looked at the different groups we can use to group animals that have similar characteristics. Take a look at our amazing posters that identifies the key groups we use as well as examples of each...

Battle of the Beaks
As part of our Evolution and Inheritance topic, we looked at how adaptation may lead to inheritance in our 'Battle of the Beaks' investigation. We identified that certain types of food are suited to different beak shapes, depending on the environment in which the birds live. We now know that if birds are struggling to find a source of food, this can put them at risk of extinction.