Please see latest government guidelines regarding tier 3 restrictions as of 2nd December 2020.
Catch up premium document
Please see the latest advice from the NHS about keeping your child safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to support your child during the COVID-19 pandemic
NHS letter to parents-23rd September
Please find attached the latest advice form the NHS about COVID19.
COVID19 Secure
We have assessed our building, practices and procedures to produce a risk assessment to mitigate the risks of COVID19. Here is our COVID19 secure certificate and our risk assessment.
Information for parents of children in Year 1 to Year 6.
Please help us to follow our new rules and procedures.
NHS advice
Please use the NHS flowchart if your child is feeling unwell and you are unsure if they can attend school. If you need any further advice please get in touch with the admin team.