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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons



Creative writing at Sea View

The purpose of writing

The programmes of study for writing at key stages 1 and 2 are constructed similarly to those for reading:

  • transcription (spelling and handwriting)
  • composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing)

It is essential that teaching develops pupils’ competence in these 2 dimensions. In addition, pupils should be taught how to plan, revise and evaluate their writing. These aspects of writing have been incorporated into the programmes of study for composition.

Writing down ideas fluently depends on effective transcription: that is, on spelling quickly and accurately through knowing the relationship between sounds and letters (phonics) and understanding the morphology (word structure) and orthography (spelling structure) of words. Effective composition involves articulating and communicating ideas, and then organising them coherently for a reader. This requires clarity, awareness of the audience, purpose and context, and an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Writing also depends on fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy handwriting.


Meet Eddie English.


Eddie is part of our Curriculum Crew who is introduced at the start of each Literacy  lesson, providing a visual link to lessons and allows our children to focus on the skills needed in the upcoming tasks.

Eddie is featured in our Writing Knowledge Organisers - allowing the children to revisit and consolidate prior learning as well as acquiring new skills.




We have been mark making on a large scale, using various different media to practise our gross motor skills, both indoors and outdoors.

Our current topic of journeys and transport, along with this week's story 'The Naughty Bus', has led to lots of mark-making opportunities - the naughty bus moved through the shaving foam and around the classroom via various maps, we practised visual memory, pre-phonic skills and writing for a purpose when making our maps of the locality and re-telling of the story.

We practised our mark-making and fine and gross motor skills in our various activities, when a dragon came to stay! We made salt dough dragons, made dragon paintings with cotton buds, matched the beads to the dragon mats, made a special book for the dragons and made 'Save the dragons' banners and placards, using different sized brushes.


As we are heading in to our last term in Reception we are focusing on independent writing. This is anything from mark making in the shaving foam to using our phonic knowledge to write sentences independently. We are enjoying more and more independent writing jobs and love writing based on our topic.

In Reception we have been exploring fiction and non-fiction texts. We have looked at the story of 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' before exploring our favourite facts about tigers. As part of this we have wrote captions using images from the story and wrote our favourite tiger facts using sounds that we know.

In Reception, we have been using our knowledge of the phonics sounds that we have been taught to record initial and some end sounds in words from the story 'Giraffes Can't Dance'. We looked at the picture and said what we could see and then used Fredtalk to say each of the sounds in the words. We then used the sound mat to find the sounds and wrote them down onto the paper. 

Year 1

The Day the Crayons Quit!

We came into the classroom to discover that our equipment had quit! The pencils, rubbers and even the chairs had quit. They left behind some clues to help us work out what had happened, including letters.

We let the other children in school know what had happened by writing a newspaper report all about the unusual events from the day.


This half term we have been reading the story 'Wild' by Emily Hughes. The children have immersed themselves fully in the story. They have thought about the characters thoughts and feelings at each part of the story. They contributed to a class debate regarding the events of the story and they wrote fantastic newspaper articles. 

This term we have been reading The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We have learnt how to use nouns and adjectives to describe the characters and the settings. 

At the end of the story we talked about the theme of friendship throughout the story and we discussed the characteristics of a good friend. We then used these characteristics as ingredients to create a friendship potion. The children then wrote a list of ingredients that they used to make their potions. 

Year 2 

In spring term we have began looking at the the text 'The Tin Forest' by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson. To begin exploring the text the children created their own tin flowers after observing the front cover of the story. Following from this, we have began to explore the text in more detail. The children have wrote setting descriptions based upon their first impressions of The Tin Forest. The children have also met the main character of the story, they have used their inference skills to write and discuss what they think the character may be thinking or feeling. 

We have been exploring poetry using our quality text as a stimulus.  We used our senses to record descriptive lines for our poems them edited and ordered them before recording our final versions!

Year 3

We are learning about writing in paragraphs so we first went on a fact finding mission around our classroom. We then split into groups to organise the information we had found out into headings. From there we analysed a piece of text to identify paragraphs. This then led into our non-chronological reports about the rainforest.

We have enjoyed getting creative with our quality text ‘Leon and the Place Between’. Here are some of our posters, diary entries, paragraph re-writes and story boards. We loved making them all!

Year 4


We have introduced our new text, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe from the Chronicles of Narnia. We began by reading the beginning of the first chapter where Lucy discovers a wardrobe... 

Escape from Pompeii 


We are enjoying reading all about Tranio and his escape from the volcanic eruption in Pompeii. 

We are using this story as a stimulus for our writing activities this term. We have empathised with the character of Tranio to write a thought bubble to describe how he might have felt when Mount Vesuvius was about to erupt!

The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane

by Kate DiCamillo 


We are enjoying reading all about Edward Tulane and his miraculous journey! 

We are using this story as a stimulus for our writing activities this term. We have written powerful descriptions using adjectives, similes and prepositional phrases. We have empathised with the character of Edward Tulane to write a thought bubble to describe how he might have felt when he was thrown overboard the ship. We designed persuasive posters to advertise our farm shops.

Year 5

The Explorer


Katherine Rundell

Inspired by our class novel, "The Explorer," we designed and created our own persuasive job advert for an explorer to join in an expedition of the deepest darkest Amazon jungle.

Have you got what it takes to apply?

Lost In Space.

As Commanders of the first manned mission to Mars we have conducted research on the red planet which prepared us for our mission. We then wrote motivational speeches inspiring our crew and team.

The Night Bus Hero


Onjali Q. Rauf

Hector is a bully, a menace and a lost cause. He hates school (especially the teacher's pets and brainiacs), he hates home and he despises the trolleyman who lives in the park. As items from famous landmarks around London begin to mysteriously disappear, Hector is thrown head first into solving the crimes leading to him to reassess his actions.


Inspired by the novel we have written diary entries in the style of Hector, created missing posters  for the missing Paddington Statue as well as completing an eye witness report in which we wrote in role.

Year 6


We have been continuing our work based on Macbeth. The children decided whether to write in role as the 'angel' or the 'devil' to persuade Macbeth as to what action he should take. Take a look at our incredible writing... 

This term we are studying Macbeth. After watching episodes 1 and 2, we stepped into the shoes of Macbeth, writing powerful letters to our wife, Lady Macbeth. Take a look at some of our fabulous letters... 

Holes- Louis Sachar

This term Year 6 are reading Holes by Louis Sachar. Stanley Yelnats' family has a history of bad luck, so when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre (which isn't green and doesn't have a lake) he is not surprised. Every day he and the other inmates are told to dig a hole, five foot wide by five foot deep, reporting anything they find. Why? The evil warden claims that it's character building, but this is a lie. It's up to Stanley to dig up the truth. Take a look at our fabulous writing so far...



We created non-chronological reports about the yellow spotted lizard...

We wrote newspaper reports about Kissin' Kate's murder of the sheriff...




We have been practising our fine motor and early writing skills, including "Squiggle whilst you wiggle", using scarves to make shapes with our whole body.

A day at Witch & Wizard school 🧙🪄

We used different ingredients such as, crocodile's blood, phoenix feathers, wizard's beard and crushed beetles to make our magical fizzing potions

After making our potions, we wrote down the ingredients, using the flashcards to help us

We used our topic of Chinese New Year to enhance our mark-making in nursery.

We painted banners, wrote down orders in the Chinese restaurant, used rice and powder paint for outdoor mark-making, and did our own Chinese writing on the lucky envelopes


In Reception we have started to learn our Set 1 sounds. We have been using our phonics knowledge to begin forming letter shapes. 

We have been writing a list of items of clothing from the story ‘The smartest giant in town’. We have started learning our phonics so we can begin to write some letter shapes and initial sounds.

After we had made porridge to eat just like Goldilocks in the story 'Goldilocks and The Three Bears', we recorded key words and phrases from the instructions we were given from Mammy Bear. We used Fred Talk to sound out each of the words, pinching each finger as we said the sounds. We then recorded the sounds, using our phonics knowledge alongside the soundcards to write the correct letters. 

In writing, we have been learning facts about tigers linked to the story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. We used our phonics knowledge to write simple fact sentences 

including some red words in our writing. We are beginning to show confidence using capital letters and full stops in our writing. 

Year 1


We have been enjoying our story Wild!


We took a trip into nature to imagine what life would be like for the little girl who lives in the forest. We explored the woods, found a fox's den, looked up at the cloud and visited the play park to imagine swinging and climbing in the trees! The children used their senses to experience the forest like the girl in the story.


This trip inspired our descriptive writing where we used lots of wonderful adjectives!

Who has been causing trouble in Year 1?

Year 1 found their classroom in a bit of a mess this week after a visit from the Big Bad Wolf!

We used the clues to work out who might have been causing trouble in our classroom. We even looked at CCTV footage to help us create wanted posters to find that troublesome Big Bad Wolf!

We have been reading the story The Rainbow Fish. Children have used the images to help them collect nouns and adjectives to write a fantastic setting description. 


After this, children put themselves into the role of one of the characters and described their thoughts and feelings. 

Year 2

Learning from the Tin Forest



Mr Cunningham caught a wild, enormous dragon on CCTV over the weekend.  It had returned to collect its babies after their eggs hatched in our classroom.  We couldn't believe our eyes and decided to write news articles to let our town know about our amazing footage!

In year 2 we have been reading the story When The Dragons Came. We are using this story to learn about adjectives and nouns and begin to construct exciting and engaging sentences. 

When the Dragons Came

Year 3

We have had a lot of fun using onomatopoeic words to create our comic strips about the rainforest!

We have been exploring the theme ‘Hocus Pocus’ in our writing session this term. We have looked at many different types of spells, vocabulary used and the rhythm of the words. To help us write our spells next week, we have been taking ideas from all of the texts we have explored.

Year 3


In Year 3, we have been using the changing of the season to create these fabulous Autumn poems.  

Year Four

Fairy Tales


We wrote our own fairy tales based on the film clip, ‘The Little Shoemaker’.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

CGI Animated Short Film HD "The Small Shoemaker " by La Petite Cordonnier Team | CGMeetup

The Little Shoemaker
In a timeless street of Paris stands a shoemaker's shop.

We have planned a set of instructions to get rid of the evil shoemaker!

We wrote letters from the main character in the story to show what had happened to him in the story.

We designed persuasive posters to advertise our own farm shops!

The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane

by Kate DiCamillo 


We are enjoying reading all about Edward Tulane and his miraculous journey! 
We are using this story as a stimulus for our writing activities this term. We have written powerful descriptions using adjectives, similes and prepositional phrases. We have empathised with the character of Edward Tulane to write a thought bubble to describe how he might have felt when he was thrown overboard the ship.  

Year 5

The Explorer 


Katherine Rundell


The children are loving our class adventure book The Explorer. In the story, Fred and three other children crash land in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest. Along their journey, they encounter many challenges, dangerous animals and encounter a mysterious man.

Brazil and Amazon Information Leaflets

Piranha Factfiles

The Night Bus Hero


Onjali Q. Rauf

Inspired by one of the key themes of our novel, "The Night Bus Hero" , we conducted research about the issue of homelessness. After then taking part in Prime Minister's Questions, we wrote powerful and emotive speeches addressing the House of Commons, demanding action by the government, to support and tackle the issue  of homelessness.

Hector is a bully, a menace and a lost cause. He hates school (especially the teacher's pets and brainiacs), he hates home and he despises the trolleyman who lives in the park. As items from famous landmarks around London begin to mysteriously disappear, Hector is thrown head first into solving the crimes leading to him to reassess his actions.

Diary Entries

The children created their own diary entries in the character of Hector. They described their hatred of the people at school and plotted their revenge on the trolleyman in the park.

Year 6

The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Rauf.

We are really enjoying our new book for this term, The Boy at the Back of the Class. 


When a new boy joins their class, a group of children try to befriend him. They soon learn that Ahmet is a refugee and has been separated from his family. None of the grown-ups seem to be able to help him, so the friends come up with a daring plan, embarking on an extraordinary adventure. 

Take a look at some of incredible poems about refugees...

Holes- Louis Sachar 

Take a look at our fabulous display based on Holes. We have created many incredible pieces of writing throughout this unit. We have produced letters home in role as Stanley, non-chronological reports about the yellow-spotted lizard, newspaper reports about the murder of the sheriff as well as wanted posters for Zero. 

As part of our writing based on 'Holes' we have created persuasive leaflets on Camp Green Lake. Take a look at our wonderful work...


Communication and language sit at the heart of writing.  We use quality texts to build language that will feed into the writing the children will do.

The Role play area is often linked to the stories we share in class and helps to reinforce story language and stimulate the children's imagination.





The Elves and the Shoemaker

An Elf came to visit us and shared a funny story. We joined in the story through action and rhyme.

We had great fun using puppets and props to retell the story of Supertato.

We extended our vocabulary, exploring new and unusual fruit and animals in 'Handa's Suprise'.

The development of fine and gross motor skills is critical for the act of writing. 

We provide opportunities for the children to develop these skills through a variety of opportunities. For example disco dough, mark making to music, ribbons, scissors, tweezers and pegs.

Reading and writing act as dual strands within literacy, building on the vital skills of speaking and listening to allow us to communicate and explore ideas.

Stories play a crucial role in the development of thinking and writing. Through listening to and sharing stories, children pick up on the patterns of story language – “Once upon a time …”, “And they lived happily ever after …”, “He huffed and he puffed”.

We have created characters from the stories and used maps to help tell stories or create stories.


The little raindrop

We loved sharing the story, ‘The Little Raindrop’. We enjoyed finding out about the weather and how it rains. We shared our ideas about the different types of weather. 


Shrove Tuesday 

We loved making pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. We made lists of ingredients and wrote the instructions of how we made them.

Amazing animals


We have enjoyed reading animal stories and finding out about different animals. One of our favourites was, ‘The tiger who came for tea’. We made lists of the food the tiger ate.

Year One

Winter's Child - Angela McAllister


We looked at the beautiful illustrations in our story Winter's Child and made predictions about who the main character might be, why he was standing in front of a magical gate, and why he has no shoes on in the snow! 

Winter's Child

Throughout the story we used the text and illustrations to think about how characters were feeling, what choices characters would make. We even wrote in the role of Tom and kept a diary of his day! 

Winters Child

Year Two

The Dark - Lemony Snicket


We watched a book trailer for the The Dark and thought about what clues it gave us about the story, events and characters.  Some people thought it was really creepy but we enjoyed making inferences about what or who the dark could be.

The Tin Forest - Helen Ward


We loved exploring the Tin Forest and used it as a stimulus for a range of writing, including poetry.  We worked collaboratively to create poems focussed around different uses of descriptive language.  We then edited then and changed the order of our lines until we were happy with the outcome. 

Traction Man


We loved creating our own outfit for Traction Man and designing our own comic.  We thought about where our Traction Man would be visiting in his outfit and even designed our own bad guys for him to battle.

Year Three

The Witch's Brew

As part of our digital literacy scheme of work, we developed our understanding of poetry and rhyme through the creation of spells.  The children were immersed in a variety of stimulus and texts such as Disney's Fantasia and Sword in the Stone as well as Shakespeare's Macbeth.


Still image for this video

The Great Kapok Tree


In Year 3 we have enjoyed learning all about the rainforest through the fantastic book The Great Kapok Tree.  The children have enjoyed a wide variety of writing experiences to develop their writing skills.

The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry

A request from Year 3 and my first attempt at putting pictures to a story book as they are important for the learning.

Year Five

The Explorer

by Katherine Rundell.

We are loving our exciting novel, "The Explorer", by Katherine Rundell. Inspired by the characters battle for survival we have written postcards from the Amazon , survival guides and a guide to raft building, fact files, adverts and poetry inspired by the challenges the children encounter .

Postcards from the Amazon...

Jungle Survival Guides.

A Guide to Raft Building.

Piranha Factfiles.

Using personification to describe Fire.

Year Six

The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Rauf.

When a new boy joins their class, a group of children try to befriend him. They soon learn that Ahmet is a refugee and has been separated from his family. None of the grown-ups seem to be able to help him, so the friends come up with a daring plan, embarking on an extraordinary adventure. 
Take a look at some of our amazing writing based on this book…

Refugee Poems…

Special Appeal…


  • Reception 92.35
  • Year 1 93.09
  • Year 2 93.32
  • Year 3 94.44
  • Year 4 92.86
  • Year 5 94.34
  • Year 6 93.09
  • Whole School:


Contact Us

Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


View us on Google Maps