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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons



Year 5 DB

Van Gogh Art


In the Autumn term, the children explored the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh. We replicated the distinctive style of the famous artist and produced several outstanding pieces of artwork.


One of Van Gogh's most famous paintings is the Sunflowers. We used oil pastels to replicate this painting. The children were very proud of the results.

Welcome to Year 5 DB!

 In Year 5 we immerse ourselves in a rich , diverse curriculum which inspires and engages the children in their learning. On this page we would like to share some of the exciting activities and fantastic learning we have been doing in Year 5.



5DB 2023-2024

Make Someone Laugh.

To celebrate Red Nose Day 2023 we, as a class ,voted on the three best jokes and performed them in the Sea View Comedy Club. Sit back and enjoy the show...


Still image for this video

Reading to 1BH

As part of World Book Day, the children were lucky enough to be given the opportunity to visit 1BH's classroom. Whilst there, the older children read a story to the younger children. We also shared biscuits and juice. The children absolutely loved doing this and can't wait to do it again.

Book character half self-portraits

As part of World Book Day, the children created half self-portraits with some of their favourite book and comic book characters.


Can you guess who they are?

Northumbria University NUSTEM Visit



5DB were lucky enough to travel to Northumbria University in Newcastle to take part in a NUSTEM workshop. We learnt about the job of an ice core scientist, who drill deep into the ice core in Antarctica in order to learn about climate change and how the Earth's atmosphere has changed. The children discussed the skills needed to perform the job, the equipment required to work and live in Antarctica and were able to produce wonderful poetry based on what they learnt.  

Aaaarrgghh! Spider!

In the first week of term we looked at the book Aaaaaarrgghh Spider! All Spider wants is to be a family pet. But the family whose house he wants to live in are terrified when they see him. Whenever he tries to show them what a great pet he would make, they simply cry, 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!'. This book explores the themes of tolerance, understanding and not judging others simply on how they look.

Thought Bubbles


We put ourselves in the eight shoes of the spider and expressed the feelings it showed in the book. Children displayed empathy and confusion as to why nobody would want the spider as a pet.



Did you know that around 6% of all people have a case of Arachnophobia? This week we drafted emails to the family in the story explaining that there is no need to be scared of spiders and actually they are quite helpful creatures to have around.

How to Tame a Pet Spider


We produced guides showing how to tame a pet spider. Spiders would need a dark and sheltered area where they could weave their incredible webs.

World Mental Health Week 2022


On Friday, we had a non-uniform day with the theme of 'Dress to Express' in honour of World Mental Health Day. Throughout the day, the children took part in activities designed to encourage mindfulness and create strategies to control and discuss their emotions. 


We had a fantastic day!


I'm sure you will all agree that the children look spooky and terrifying in their fantastic Halloween costumes.


We had a brilliant day designing our own haunted houses, creating jack o 'lanterns and making Halloween related crafts.


We even had time for some scary stories at the end of the day and a rendition of the Monster Mash!

Day and Night

We have been really enjoying our science topic of space. This week, we worked together to research why we have day and night. The children produced wonderful and creative factual posters detailing their findings.

Hello Yellow 2021

As part of Hello Yellow 2021, we looked at the book Sky Colour. This vivid and imaginative text explores the therapeutic and relaxing nature of painting. This ties in with themes of mental health. Over the course of the day, we created dream trees using a variety of different artistic techniques. The children loved doing this and I'm sure you will agree the results are tremendous! 

Sky Color by Peter H Reynolds

What color is the sky? Marisol thinks it is something other than blue. Written and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds.

I Really Want To Shout!


Inspired by this fabulous picture book by Simon Philip and Lucia Gaggiotti,as part of a PSCHE themed week, we explored strategies to help the little girl control her emotions. We had huge fun designing monsters to help control our inner feelings and we sent emails offering advice of what to do when you really want to shout. 


In addition to completing the daily mile, this half term we have been practising our gymnastics skills. The children have particularly enjoyed using the climbing apparatus. Some of them definitely have a head for heights.


Find below the link for Sea View Primary School's TTRockstar login page.  Your child's log in can be found on the inside cover of their reading record.

Accelerated Reader

Click the link below to access Sea View Primary School's log in page for Accelerated Reader

Reading Plus

An online programme to support the children in improving their fluency and understanding in reading.


A new and exciting maths program which develops and supports the children in developing a range of mathematical skills.

Key Instant Recall Facts for Maths


These are the key instant recall facts for maths in Year 5.


  • Reception 92.35
  • Year 1 93.09
  • Year 2 93.32
  • Year 3 94.44
  • Year 4 92.86
  • Year 5 94.34
  • Year 6 93.09
  • Whole School:


Contact Us

Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


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