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Sea View Primary School

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Music at Sea View

Purpose of study

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.

Meet Melody Music.

Melody Music is part of our Curriculum Crew who is introduced at the start of each topic and lesson, providing a visual link to lessons and allows our children to focus on the skills needed in the upcoming tasks.

Melody is featured as part of our Music pathway journey - allowing the children to revisit prior learning .




The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:

  •  perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians
  • learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence
  • understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.




Play on your instruments!

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We used various percussion instruments, following the beat and listening for the instruction to, "stop!". We used our listening skills and rhythm, playing and stopping at the correct times.


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We celebrated Chinese New Year by playing instruments and dancing to Chinese music in the hall and doing a parade back to the classroom as we wished people 'Kung Hei Fat Choi!'

We used our bodies to make percussion noises by clapping, clicking, tapping or stamping. We used our auditory memory to take in the sounds and actions and to be able to recall and repeat them. We also used different everyday objects in the outdoor area to create sounds, exploring how objects made from different materials made different sounds.



We have been learning about Chinese New Year and learnt a song about the Great Animal Race. We made some musical instruments and played some during our performance in class.

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We have been reading the story 'Giraffes Can't Dance' and so we made a musical instrument, a shaker. We used our finger tip to create giraffe like patterns and then filled the shaker up with rice. We then used our musical instrument to shake along to the song we learnt, 'I am a tall Giraffe'….

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Year 1

We have practised clapping to a rhythm and keeping in time with the pulse. We have identified different instruments used in pieces of music.

As part of our module, we have learned the song Hey You!

We learned this as a song and as a rap to learn how different genres of music impact the sound of the words.

Hey You! Rap Verse

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Hey You! Song Verse

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Our composer of the term is Vivaldi. We have listened to The Four Seasons as part of our music and science topics. We listened to the sounds of each season and discussed what made it match the season and what it made us think of. We discussed other composers, such as Rossini, and compared their work.

Vivaldi: The Four Seasons

We have taken part in lots of singing sessions and enjoyed learning new songs, such as A Little Bit of Kindness. We love to sing together!

Year 2 

Year 2 have been using Charanga to learn songs about friendship. We appraised lots of different songs by famous artists and learned the lyrics to our song. We have also used tune percussion to add to our performance and explored the use of glockenspiels. 


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Year 3

We are enjoying learning how to play the glockenspiel to accompany our song for this term 'Let Your Spirit Fly'. We love exploring the lyrics in the song and talking about how the music makes us feel.

Year 4


We are enjoying learning to play the recorder! We have learnt how to hold it correctly as well as learning how to play different notes. We have started to play songs with the recorders!

Year 5


We have been studying Hip Hop style of music and have been learning the song"The Fresh Prince of Bel Air". We added our own musical accompaniment inspired on the Hip Hop beat.

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Year 5 


Performance at Durham Cathedral.

We are so excited to be working with the Lead Conductor, Mr Lee, from Durham Cathedral. Mr Lee is preparing us for a special performance at Durham Cathedral in March. We have had great fun learning how to follow a conductor, sing in rounds and perform infront of an audience. 



                     Livin' On A Prayer.

This term in music we have been Livin' On A Prayer., embracing and enjoying the musical genre of Rock! As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, we have also enjoyed  listening and appraising other classic rock songs by Queen, Deep Purple, Chuck Berry and The Beatles. 




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Year 6


We have been studying and listening to the work of Tchaikovsky and his classical music. Take a look at our information based on his song ‘The Nutcracker’… 


We have had so much fun learning the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams in Music. Year 6 practised rhythm and pulse exercises and danced to the beat of the music before performing it altogether. 



We have been introduced to 'Beat baby' in nursery to help bring new life to language, literacy and emotional development through music. Beat baby brings excitement and encouragement to rhyme and music sessions and helps to hold our attention and develop concentration as well as promoting turn taking and positive behaviour.

We like to explore music and movement in nursery with instruments and Zumba šŸ˜ƒ

Christmas songs

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We have been learning Christmas songs and playing instruments as we sing


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Music and rhythm

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Simple Instrument Follow-Along Song for Nursery

This song also supported listening skills while playing along with a simple beat.
We had great fun interacting with the shaking song using percussion instruments and making body sounds.


In Reception, we have enjoyed creating a musical instrument linked to the story 'Giraffes Can't Dance'. We learnt a new song about a giraffe and we used our shakers to move to the rhythm of the song. We demonstrated the giraffe can dance after all!


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Year 1

In Year 1, we have been learning how to clap along to the beat and pulse of music. We have been learning a song called 'Hey You!' to help us practise this skill. We have explored various genres of music and how beat and pulse can be found in many different types of music.

As part of learning our song, we have used our understanding of the pulse to play the glockenspiel to the pulse of the music.

Year 2

We have been learning to play glockenspiels to our class rock song!

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We have enjoyed exploring the pulse of the music using reggae songs about animals.  We used our bodies to show the pulse or beat of the music and created our own verse about aardvarks, giraffes, baboons and giraffes.


Take a look at our own version of the song...

Year 3

This term in Year 3, we are exploring 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley and learning about Reggae music.  As well as singing and finding the pulse and rhythm, we are also learning to play an accompaniment on the glockenspiel.  We are progressing to also look at musical notation as part of the sessions.

We have been using the glockenspiels over the last few weeks to play the pulse of our song. This week we tried other instruments. We talked about how effective the different sounds were, which instruments worked well together and which we liked or disliked. It was a lot of fun!

Year 3 have been learning all about pulse and rhythm in our music lessons. We enjoyed the lyrics and the soothing melody of our R & B song and we really enjoyed moving like the animals in time to the pulse!

Year 4

We are thoroughly enjoying learning and performing a rap! It is called Stop, and also helps us to understand more about anti-bullying.

Mamma Mia


We are thoroughly enjoying using the glockenspiels to improve our performance of Mamma Mia! We have perfected our vocals and are now exploring how we can add musical accompaniment.

We have been preparing for our upcoming Harvest Festival by learning and performing songs, including a new song! We used musical instruments to accompany the songs with the correct beat and rhythm.

Year 5

All That Jazz!

Inspired by the musical genre of jazz, we have explored the concept of improvisation. We had great fun practicing and performing a musical piece called, "The Three Note Bossa," by Ian Gray.


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This term in music all  of the learning is focused around one song: Livin' On A Prayer. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, we have also enjoyed  listening and appraising other classic rock songs by Queen, Deep Purple, Chuck Berry and The Beatles. 

Livin' on A Prayer Part 1

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Livin ' On A Prayer Part 2

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Year 6

We have had so much fun learning the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams in Music. Year 6 practised rhythm exercises and danced to the beat of the music before performing it altogether. 


Playing along to 'Kindy Rock' and listening to instructions to 'play' and 'stop' playing our instruments when asked.



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We have been learning our Sea View rap with actions.

Gruffalo music

After reading, ‘The Gruffalo’, we retold the story by adding sound effects using different instruments. We explored changing the pace and rhythm at different points of the story, for example, at exciting points.

Chinese New Year Music

We imitated movement in response to music and tapped out simple repeated rhythms. 

Year One

We have been learning to keep the beat this term. We have been singing songs and keeping the beat with non-tuned percussion instruments and body percussion.

Using instruments to keep the beat.

Year Two

High and low pitch

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We learned about pitch and learned to recognise high and low pitch. We looked at examples of animals that make high and low pitch sounds. We also learned some new songs with different pitches in them.

Can you recognise the high and low pitches?

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Year Three

Learning how to play a tune on an instrument

This term we have been exploring a number of different ways to create music.  We have used our bodies to explore rhythm and pulse and selected instruments to create sound effects to a story.  In this session we learned about musical notes and how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star using a glockenspiel.  

Year Four


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During our Music topic of "In the Past" we have been looking at the effect of pitch and how how we can change pitch using our voices and musical instruments.

We also wrote and performed our own pitch songs using "high, middle, low"

Year Five

At The Movies.

After studying how music was used in silent movies to help tell a story and how throughout the history of movies music has played an integral part in setting the tone and mood of a movie, we decided to create our own theme tunes. We used Garage Band to compose a theme tune for our movie trailers for our novel "The Explorer" by Katherine Rundell.


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Year Six

In preparations for our Leavers’ Assembly at the end of the year, we have been practising a drumming routine using the DjembašŸ„ We are learning how to produce different musical textures using our fingers and palms to beat the drum. Watch out for upcoming performance…


  • Reception 94.44
  • Year 1 92.35
  • Year 2 93.06
  • Year 3 93.32
  • Year 4 94.42
  • Year 5 92.85
  • Year 6 94.33
  • Whole School:


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Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


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