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Sea View Primary School

Reaching new horizons



Year 4 NC

Welcome to class 4NC!

In Year 4 we enjoy a broad and balanced, cross curricular curriculum which challenges us, explores a range of topics and enables us to achieve our full potential.

Take a look at what we have been learning about below.

4NC 2023-2024



We had a fun-filled afternoon with our visitors from NUSTEM. We explored the role of a entomologist, just like Erica McAlister. We found out that to be a good entomologist you have to be open-minded, observant and hard working. 


We discussed:

* What do insects do for us?

* What do entomologists do?

* What is an insect?

* Which bugs are insects?



* We sorted bugs into insects and not insects.

* We matched the insects to the identification cards.

* We choose our favourite and justified our reasons.

* We drew our favourite insect using observational skills and made the out of plasticine and wires.

* We shared our learning with our parents too!

Life Science Centre 

Disgusting Digestion


We had a great time on our visit to the Life Science Centre. We began our visit by taking part in the Disgusting Digestion workshop! He discovered more about our current science topic before  making our own digestion system.  To demonstrate the journey that food takes as it travels through our digestive system, we used a variety of different ingredients to make poo and wee! It was very messy and definitely disgusting!!


We also explored the different interactive exhibitions and shows, including the 

Wow Zone

Science Zone

Brain Zone 

Creativity Zone

The Planetarium

Live Science Colour Theatre

Escape From Pompeii

This week we have introduced our new text, Escape from Pompeii. We began by writing a poem to imagine what life was like in Pompeii before Mount Vesuvius erupted.

A Day in Pompeii

We used the video to introduce our new text, Escape from Pompeii.

Investigating Sound


As part of our Science topic, we investigated the pattern between distance and sound. We used data loggers to record the sound made from a whistle blown at different distances.

We are using the film clip of the Little Shoemaker in her writing lessons. We have written our own instructions to get rid of an evil shoemaker. We also designed our own adverts for our own magical shoes!

The Little Shoemaker

The Little Shoemaker by La Petite Cordonnier Team / Gilead Alais, Terry Bonvard, Charley Carlier, Romain Cislo, Pierre-Yves Lefebvre, Philip Lim, Benjamin and Karen Mariotte Nawfal. Featured on In a timeless street of Paris stands a shoemaker's shop.

PE - games


We used team work skills to complete challenges using hoops.

Remembrance Day


We read and discussed the Poppy Story and the significance for Remembrance Day. We then presented the key information.

Britain's tallest man

Paul Sturgess



Britain's tallest man came to Sea View to show that it doesn't matter if they look different. Standing 7 feet 7 inches tall, Paul Sturgess is Britain's tallest man.


Paul told his story in an assembly with the aim of inspiring as many children as possible and to explain that we are all born to be different.

"If we look around the room, we all look very different, we may all sound very different, we all probably come from different backgrounds but we shouldn't let that affect us.

"We should always be proud of ourselves."


He also showed us some basketball skills he learnt and used in a career that included playing for the Harlem Globetrotters.


What an amazing day we have had!



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Lego Spike


We had a great time using Lego to make our learning come to life! We worked in pairs to follow the building instructions to make a playground ride. We then connected our Lego models to the Chrome books so we could program them to move and light up!


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Roman Day

We had a great day to introduce our topic by meeting a Roman soldier! We found out about how the Roman Empire began and explored a range of Roman artefacts. We explored a range of items that we use today and discovered that the Romans were the first to introduce them!


We had great fun finding out about the everyday lives of the Romans, including the lives of soldiers. We even had our own battles!


DT: Structures


This term Year 4 have enjoyed our DT project focusing on pavilion structures. We explored a range of different existing pavilions and discussed the features and how they were used. We linked our pavilions to our Ancient Greek theme to make them suitable as a place of worship for the Greek gods. We began by exploring how to make a frame structure by using toothpicks and plasticine. We discovered how we need to reinforce the structure to ensure it was stable. We then developed these skills into making our own pavilions using a range of different materials and techniques. Check out some of our pavilions!



We thoroughly enjoyed our NUSTEM workshop about being a Solar Physicist. We discussed key questions, such as:

What is Physics?

What is Solar?

What do we know about the sun?

We then used scientific equipment to explore how light can be split into a colour spectrum. This allowed us to see how light is made up of different elements, such as hydrogen. We then created light spectrum collages and identified the different gases in different stars.

Erupting Volcanoes!


We had a great time designing, making and then erupting our volcanoes!

Make Someone Laugh.

To celebrate Red Nose Day 2023 we, as a class, voted on the three best jokes and performed them in the Sea View Comedy Club. Sit back and enjoy the show...


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We made poo!!


To demonstrate the journey food takes through our digestive systems, we made our own poo! Using a mixture of weetabix, banana, orange juice and water, we mixed the ingredients before adding to the food bag (the stomach). We then cut a hole in the bag to watch as it squeezed out!

We eat elephants!


We have been learning about thoughts, feelings, physical feelings and behaviours. We explored times when we may have experienced different thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Shoe adverts


After designing our own shoes, we wrote persuasive adverts and performed them using the green screen.

Anti-bullying Week


As part of our themed week, we came came to school in odd socks! We discussed how everyone is different and unique and that is what makes us special!


We also discussed the concept of 'reaching out' to trusted grown ups. 

Remembrance Day

We watched and discussed the story of the poppy. We also shared ideas about what we already knew about Remembrance Day before creating an information page.

We looked at examples of powerful Remembrance Day images and discussed what makes them powerful. We then created our own pictures to depict the powerful images.


Roman Day!

What an amazing day we had!

We began our day by meeting a centurion, Lucius Marcellinus. He showed us a range of Roman equipment, discussed the Roman invasion and experienced life on a Roman camp!


We made Roman bread and tasted hardtack too!


We worked in groups to become history detectives. We handled a range of Roman artefacts and thought about what they could be used for.


To end the day we experienced some legionary training! We practised using swords and shields as well as practising marching in time! We also performed a testudo! 


Have a look at our photos to find out more!

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

The magical story of the adventures of a lost toy rabbit from a New York Times bestselling author, twice winner of the Newbery Medal. Abilene loves her blue china rabbit, but Edward Tulane is extremely vain and only loves himself. On a voyage from New York to London, Edward falls overboard and from there finds himself on an amazing journey. He travels with tramps, works as a scarecrow, comforts a dying child ... and finally learns what it is to truly love.

We created persuasive posters for a farm.

We wrote poems to describe Edward’s experience, we used his range of senses and thoughts.

We wrote thought bubbles empathising with Edward.

We wrote powerful descriptions of Edward.


Self portraits


We have drawn our own self portraits to build our artistic techniques ready for our artist study! 

Super Scientists!


We are enjoying our electricity topic so far this term. We have explored how to make a circuit, including how to break a circuit. We also discovered how we can add a switch to a circuit to make a bulb go on and off. 

Mrs Cunningham had a problem…. all of the circuits she made didn’t work! We had to work in teams to solve the problem with each circuit! We made excellent electricians! 

We experimented with different materials to find out which materials make the best conductors and which make the best insulators.


We thoroughly enjoyed our first dance P.E. lesson today! We were introduced to street dance and used the music to express ourselves and to feel the beat of the music. As well as learning choreography, we also created our own dance positions for the beginning and end of the routine.

2021 - 2022


We have enjoyed doing recorders in the summer term. We have learnt the notes A,B,C and G and play lots of different songs.

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Safer internet day 2022 

we have looked at being safe online. We discussed different scenarios and how we should deal with these when being online. We made some great chatter boxes with our favourite apps and websites and some questions about being safe online. This encouraged us to talk about being safe.


In maths we have been looking at measuring length and width and capacity. We measured some ingredients to make some Year 4 Punch. 


In PE we were lucky to have a coach in to teach dance and dodgeball. We have learn lots of new skills 


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In science in the spring term we have been looking at the digestive system. We have been looking at the different functions of each organ. We made our own digestive systems. It was great fun!

We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party dancing and playing games with our friends 

P.E and Geography  

We have had lots of fun learning how to use a compass and orientating our way around the school with the help from Alice from OASES. We are looking forward to doing more when the weather gets a little bit warmer. 

Topic - history and geography 

As part of our topic, Romans we had an excellent opportunity to visit Vindolana in Northumberland. We got to look in the Roman army museum and at a Roman fort site. 



In P.E we have been learning throwing and catching skills to help us when doing bench ball. We have also looked at defending the ball from the other team.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

We are really enjoying reading our class novel this term. Take a look at some of the amazing work we have completed so far. 

The Daily Mile

We have really enjoyed taking part in the daily mile on our new running track! We are always challenging ourselves to beat our previous record.

The Heart and the Bottle


During our first week of Year 4 we read the book "The Heart and the Bottle" by Oliver Jeffers. We talked about all the different emotions the girl in the story felt and even wrote letters of advice to help her. We explored what it means to be curious and why curiosity is so exciting - asking our own questions and planning our very own curiosity trips.

Key Instant Recall Facts for Maths


These are the key instant recall facts for maths in Year 4.

Key Instant Recall Facts for Maths


  • Reception 92.35
  • Year 1 93.09
  • Year 2 93.32
  • Year 3 94.44
  • Year 4 92.86
  • Year 5 94.34
  • Year 6 93.09
  • Whole School:


Contact Us

Sea View Primary, Horsley Hill Community Campus,

Norham Avenue North, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 7TD

Telephone: 0191 4274343


View us on Google Maps